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astou4u @astou4u
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astou4u @astou4u
This account has been suspended.

Renn @neeki
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Renn @neeki
we don't celebrate Thanksgiving over here :p but thanks anyways lol

sunnymaple @sunnymaple
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sunnymaple @sunnymaple
Hey, thanks for the well-wishes! I hope your Thanksgiving was full of good food, good fun, and friends and family. I made a turkey for the first time! Ha ha ha! ^_^
So at what point do you think you will be to old to Cosplay.

Sebastian @shadly75
commented on
So at what point do you think you will be to old to Cosplay.
Sebastian @shadly75
Lmao, To funny. That rocks. :-)
Any animes that you've cried for?

Sebastian @shadly75
commented on
Any animes that you've cried for?
Sebastian @shadly75
I have cried from, Heavens lost property, Madoka Magica including the movie, Strike witches, Chobits, Sekerei, Inuyasha, Rosario+Vampire, It just gets to me during certain parts.
May 8-10
May 6-8
May 26-28
May 25-27