Any animes that you've cried for?

awkwardxprincess @awkwardxprincess
Any animes that you've cried for?
awkwardxprincess @awkwardxprincess
Was there any anime that hit you so hard, that you couldn't help but cry for it?

haikaikan @haikaikan
commented on
Any animes that you've cried for?
haikaikan @haikaikan
Well I was watching Yu Yu Hakusho a few years back and when Kurama was getting his ass handed to him, I teared up cause that's my homeboy, and another one I can remember was pokemon the first movie, and everyone should know what scene I'm talking about, you know you cried.......*sniff* making me tear up now. But I can't cry XD

kaylov @kaylov
commented on
Any animes that you've cried for?
kaylov @kaylov
Clannad and Angel beats, i'm not a cry baby so i didn't actually cry while watching it but i did have to punch the wall 11 times to feel like a men again :)

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
commented on
Any animes that you've cried for?
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
only steins gate...

da_uman @da_uman
commented on
Any animes that you've cried for?
da_uman @da_uman
The end of Chrono Crusade, Noragami ep 9 and Ano Natsu de Matteru ep 9 is what i can think of off the top on my head.

. @saita
commented on
Any animes that you've cried for?
. @saita
Lots make me cry, specially after I get attached to characters. :l
A few of the notable crying moments i've had were let's see....
Angel Beats.
Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball GT.
Yu Yu Hakusho.
Clannad. (Especially Season 2)
Higurashi. (Only at the end of Season 2)
Madoka Magica.
Code Geass.
Digimon. (The original series)

alchemy91 @alchemy91
commented on
Any animes that you've cried for?
alchemy91 @alchemy91
Ah! My goddess because it was over lol and angel beats.. og man here comes the memories haha

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Any animes that you've cried for?
ロイ @wallace614
Gurren lagen when kamina died and kodomo no omocha throughout the whole story bit basically when sana realize she likes akito

. @saita
commented on
Any animes that you've cried for?
. @saita
I hope no one who hasn't seen Gurren Lagann before, reads this. >_>
Should really be more mindful of such spoilers.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
Any animes that you've cried for?
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
One Piece and Grave of the Fireflies. One Piece cause Ace. Recently I cried for something very positive in the manga. It was absolutely surreal in a good way! And Grave of the Fireflies just always hits me right in the feels. If you don't cry during Grave of the Fireflies then you have NO SOUL!
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