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ExiledMerc @themerc24
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ExiledMerc @themerc24
Hey I'm from NM too. I really thought I was the only one for a bit there. I hope we can at least be friends.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
hey :D

Kazuma_elric @kazuma_elric
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Kazuma_elric @kazuma_elric
Ooh that's gotta be fun lol.
I work at a hobby shop as a tournament organizer :3
Why did start watching anime?

rainii93 @rainii93
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Why did start watching anime?
rainii93 @rainii93
When I was like 4-5 years old there was a girl who was a couple years older than me and I basically went along with whatever she did because it was so cool to me haha and sure enough when she got into anime so did I. It all started with Sailor Moon, DBZ, and Inuyasha lol
Anime that made you cry?

rainii93 @rainii93
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Anime that made you cry?
rainii93 @rainii93
Your Lie in April - bawled big time haha
Inuyasha - I never personally cried but there's a moment in final act that my friend can't even talk about without get emotional lol
Terror in Resonance