Anime that made you cry?

Gin-chan @gin_chan
Anime that made you cry?
Gin-chan @gin_chan
Hey! I'm looking for an anime to bawl my eyes out at.
Here are the ones I've seen so far, so please don't mention them:
Angel Beats!
Elfen Lied
Code Geass
Seriously, don't mention them >:c I kind of want something different, you know? Anyone know of any feely animes out there? I need more of the feels, plz. Just recommend the most heart wrenching you know and I'll be fine xD

BlueRose @roseblue
commented on
Anime that made you cry?
BlueRose @roseblue
Boy tough question, a few have made me shed a tear:
Yu Yu Hakusho
Gundam Wing
G Gundam
Cowboy Bebop
Blue Submarine No. 6
Some parts on Dragon Ball Z
And Code Geass was the last one.

Amandamay @amandamay
commented on
Anime that made you cry?
Amandamay @amandamay
Negima did, I heard the anime sucked but I read the manga and it def made me cry more than once >.<

hiki_kun @hiki_kun
commented on
Anime that made you cry?
hiki_kun @hiki_kun
If those shows got you (they got me too, except for Naruto and Elfen Lied), I highly recommend Plastic Memories. It's one of those shows that makes it obvious what's going to happen at the end, but even then you're not prepared for the feels ;_;

HumanoidS @jellz
commented on
Anime that made you cry?
HumanoidS @jellz
Gurren Lagann got me to shed the manliest tear of all time lol

Arc @arc
commented on
Anime that made you cry?
Arc @arc
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. Don't ask me why, just watch it and see. It's like getting kicked in the balls, but your balls are your feels. Not a huge commitment episode-wise, great ratings.

Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
commented on
Anime that made you cry?
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
Clannad after story and when that girl died from aids on sao shit fucked me up lol

denniskun @denniskun
commented on
Anime that made you cry?
denniskun @denniskun
Well,.... for me
guilty crown

Sour Peach @sailorghoul
commented on
Anime that made you cry?
Sour Peach @sailorghoul
Garo made me cry a few times...good times...goooooood times

Gin-chan @gin_chan
commented on
Anime that made you cry?
Gin-chan @gin_chan
Aaaah, thank you for the suggestions everyone <3
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