lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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lei_maiotaku @amarantha
Ghost @kuharido is that yours?
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi Das lei in real life, actual size XDDD
Ghost @kuharido she looks like a plushie
lei_maiotaku @amarantha @Ghostyyyy - Sad to say, no. I just saw it on FB. Also realized I have Sanrio merch but not the stufftoys hahaha :3 Must buy now. @Lewd - Just so u know I at least reached 5ft and Im still on S size hmmmph :b
Ghost @kuharido Lei is tiny. it's cute to be cute sized though.
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi XDDD
Ghost @kuharido good to be cute sized* XD
lei_maiotaku @amarantha I remember during Otakufest my older cousin forgot to bring extra pair of socks and I happily offered my socks with bear designs and he rejected it cause its too smol :') hehe
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi Socks for a single toe? XDDD
lei_maiotaku @amarantha >:--(
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DEACTIVATED @swadian Keep your guns holstered
Ghost @kuharido I'm trigger happy
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
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I need to touch grass. @joemama711
Ghost @kuharido This is why I went out to get the grimace shake. Was good.
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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lei_maiotaku @amarantha
Ghost @kuharido The dream
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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lei_maiotaku @amarantha
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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lei_maiotaku @amarantha
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
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I need to touch grass. @joemama711
How i feel about baby mode
Ghost @kuharido Are modern controls simplified?
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 1 button special moves basically
Ghost @kuharido Oh shit, I am tempted XD
Ghost @kuharido I been playing since genesis too
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 Lmao if you ever get it on PC play me in some matches
Ghost @kuharido You're gonna kick my butt I am trash.
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 Im a noob with SF series lol I get basic concepts like combos but i havent invested enough time in any character yet
Ghost @kuharido Pfft, I been playing for years and I still suck XD
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 Who do you main? XD
Ghost @kuharido I keep switching around in V it was Birdie and Cody. Ryu has always been my go to but I branch out.
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 No clue who the first 2 are, I might try to learn Zangei, Luke, Dee Jay and Jamie but we'll see I used to play fast characters but feel in lover with grapplers
Ghost @kuharido Zangief is a lot of fun to play. I think I might try Ryu and Juri in 6
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 He really is lol, I missed grappling, I havent tried Juri yet
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 I just really got into the groove of Manon, she hits hard and throws good lol
Ghost @kuharido Oh yeah I need to try her. She looks cool
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 I actually thought she was a goofy french lady with a duck face lmao
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 Pretty fun, I actually beat all her challenges already. Im trying out Cammy and my fingers hurt from the reverse direction lol
Ghost @kuharido Oh yeah it takes a while for them to build up if you haven't played in a while
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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lei_maiotaku @amarantha
Ghost @kuharido Lulz, silly cat
Arc @arc
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Arc @arc
wow that profile picture lol
Ghost @kuharido You're welcome
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
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I need to touch grass. @joemama711
"Dang et bobby, you made me a weeb i tell ya wut"
Feb 13-15
May 29-31
Oct 30-Nov 1
Feb 13-15