Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Curious as to what that theme song would be. Coincidentally I've been told by a coworker once that a specific tune plays in their mind when I come around.
Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You

serial sans @skeygeta
commented on
Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You
serial sans @skeygeta
↑ Trained all the spiders in his house to compose and play his personal theme song o.o

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
This picture makes me think of Bungo Stray Dogs.
The Electronic Sideshow

Veru @verucassault
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The Electronic Sideshow
Veru @verucassault

Veru @verucassault novel Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
You know The Rock released his own shampoo brand? Apparently he is a hair expert.
Meme Repost Spam Thread V2

willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
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Meme Repost Spam Thread V2
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true

I gotchu!

serial sans @skeygeta
serial sans @skeygeta
Well I was accidentally locked up in my sleeping coffin by an evil exorcist :[
But I made my way out by digging through the bottom and the ground. Can tell you, this was a looot of work, I feel like I starved to barely skin and bones while digging...well rather bones than skin but you get me.
Any chance you you have a spare coffin lying around? ;P

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Maybe it'll get the Sonic treatment? Also, 2026 is a long ways away.
Random thoughts...

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
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Random thoughts...
Daddy BigBack @joemama711
They brought back Shrek just to make him ugly and a shitty brain rot edition... I hope this gets canceled

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
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Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Speaking of Walmart

Gabriel @gabriel_true My grandmother on my mom's side was notorious for slapping loud mouth kids in public. The 1960's were a different era.

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 They were somewhat better times but then again they all had ups and downs. I wish there was more discipline nowadays

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Random thoughts...

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
commented on
Random thoughts...
Daddy BigBack @joemama711
It takes a different breed of ignorance to cat call someone man or woman but I shouldn't expect less at Wally World.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true

I want to like this, but it feels off slightly. Compared to Devil May Cry 2 the dialogue is leaps and bounds better. It could somewhat be compared to DMC 1's level of wittiness.
Then you have the original DMC anime which was admittedly boring due to the lack of shown combat. In the first animated series Dante would just kill stuff off screen with a random one liner, so this at least shows the actual fight alongside him saying stuff.
Pretty much like you I don't know how entertained I will be by this version of Dante. I like this already better than the reboot Dante from the 2012 DMC:Devil May Cry
What Are You Watching Right Now?

jodokon @jodokon
commented on
What Are You Watching Right Now?
jodokon @jodokon
I’m very….down the middle with this, still will hold my judgement.(The one liner meta joke…was ehhhh).

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I was a diehard fan of KH in my teens and 20's. I loved the music for the first 2 games. Personally I fell off of the series right after Birth By Sleep. KH3 didn't give me the resolution I hoped for with the reunited Axel, Roxas, Xion or Terra, Aqua, Ventus groups.
I spent years looking forward to the payoff of how these tragic characters would be avenged or redeemed. Sadly the story writers went with a easy hand wave that in my opinion lessened the impact of their previous endeavors. Bringing back dead or banished characters simply by wishing real hard with the power of friendship was a big eye roll for me. The only cost was that Sora had to theoretically sacrifice himself at the end losses purpose when one knows he did it before and he will do it again in later installments.
The one thing I did appreciate about 3 was that Luxord was a bigger double agent than Xigbar as well as Xigbar pulling a Metal Gear twist by revealing himself to be Kingdom Hearts' version of Revolver Ocelot! That got a legitimate chuckle out of me.
Last one to post here wins

TheBlackswordsman72 @theblackswordsman72
commented on
Last one to post here wins
TheBlackswordsman72 @theblackswordsman72
I love.
Kingdom hearts it's one of my favorite video game franchise

Veru @verucassault I loved the first one. Played 2 and thought it was fun but didn't have the same umph. I didn't go further. But yeah, 1 was so good.

Gabriel @gabriel_true I am in full agreement. 3 all but completely dropped the cast of Final Fantasy which was part of the appeal. Dream Drop Distance attempted to add The World Ends With You characters which was neat, however it was clear they were hyper focused on pushing the Disney worlds and characters which on their own get pretty stale. Having the flux between innocent and edgy was a fun concept that worked decent together despite my early skepticism. Sadly by KH3 most the Square Soft DNA became neutered into oblivion for Disney wish fulfillment and advertising. I don't look forward to 4 unless they downplay the Disney stick while bringing renewed focus on the Square intellectual properties this time. Maybe do for the Final Fantasy cast similar to Dissidia? They could even be bold with introducing classic Square titles like Parasite Eve since 4 takes place in Tokyo, Japan. Making Sora go to New York to battle Heartless created through the mutations of mitochondria would be a thrilling concept albeit hilarious!

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
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Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Sorry to hear that life's been kinda shit to you lately man. I hope it's gets better from now kn

Gabriel @gabriel_true Story of our lives. What are you doing on your end?

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Just working currently, learning how offices get power, fucking up cutting Sheetrock walls and trying to get better at putting outlets in Sheetrock and running electrical wires through studs. It's pretty chill and fun career currently. What about yourself?

Gabriel @gabriel_true In and out of the doctor's office. Got a scoping scheduled for March finally.

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Ayee less goo