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Bara @bara
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Bara @bara
Hahaha yea, same here~

anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
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anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
How's it hangin' Gin?

neeto @neet_one
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neeto @neet_one
No prob, happy to do my part I guess.
I hate people sometimes

Ginseng @desu
commented on
I hate people sometimes
Ginseng @desu
Stupid people in every party, just as every religion has its radicals.

Ginseng @desu
Ginseng @desu
Honestly, I'm 90% sure this thread has been made before but I couldn't find it in the first three pages of Suggestions, so I'll go ahead anyway.
This site seriously needs a quote button. A lot of the time it's just people casually shitposting, but in the threads that involve actual discussion, it's often helpful to be able to quote someone.
For one thing, people actually know what you're referring to (especially if you're replying a bit late and there are some new posts in between).
For another thing, it just makes everything easier to read.
Anyway, I don't post much here anymore so it's not too consequential for me but I still think it's a much-needed feature for any forum site.