I hate people sometimes

Sunbae @alanzd
I hate people sometimes
Sunbae @alanzd
I really hate liberals sometimes. I'm mostly democrat/liberal but some of these guys are just plain stupid. Many Bernie Sanders supporters started physically assaulting Trump supporters and the media refused to cover it. The only reason why I know, I was in San Jose this weekend. Basically, a bunch of Bernie supporters thought it would be a good idea to raid a Trump rally and physically assault them. They videotapped it and everything and the media is refusing to do a story on it and I'm sure most of you haven't heard of it. But when a lady, a Trump supporter, threatened to punch a Bernie supporter, the media was all over it in an instant. Well, hundreds of Trump supporters were battered over the weekend.
What the hell makes people think this is okay? We're in America. People can believe in what they want. I'm a Bernie supporter, they're Trump supporters. People are allowed to believe what they want. They go and attack them and then, I shit you not, claim self defense. Like bro, you just sucker punched a guy from the back, that's not self defense. And these Bernie supporters are the same guys that blame gun for violence. Oh well well well what hypocrisy do we have here. You are non gun owners, and Trump supporters are, and YOU'RE the one starting the shitty fights? Right right no no it makes too much sense. That can't happen.
And when I thought it couldn't get any worse, my friends list started filling with people supporting these assaults, saying things like they wish they could've participated.
What are your thoughts on this?

Ginseng @desu
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I hate people sometimes
Ginseng @desu
Stupid people in every party, just as every religion has its radicals.

blood&icecream @utaghoul1991
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I hate people sometimes
blood&icecream @utaghoul1991
As a liberal, I pretty much agree with you. I hate that the media's narratives always seem to portray all liberals as peace loving, endlessly tolerant and perfect human beings and all conservatives as complete psycho nut jobs. Not that I believe Fox News helps matters but we're all much more complex than that. Conservative Christians can reach out to help refugees and the homeles just as much as liberals can be violently intolerant towards different beliefs. We're all capable of good or horrible things.

MagicPita @majinveta
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I hate people sometimes
MagicPita @majinveta
If that's all true, those people are a bunch of bakas. I don't think it says anything about Bernie, though. I don't think I've ever heard of Bernie inciting violence :P. Trump on the other hand, there is video of him debatably inciting violence. And when I say debatably, I mean he has incited violence. I kinda wish people would just battle it out in the realm of ideas, but there is something pretty entertaining about some of the shenanigans going on in this election. Even Jeb Bush-a boring, empty suit, corporate candidate-got into a fist fight with a female protester :P. Although I believe that was sometime after he dropped out.

Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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I hate people sometimes
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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Rillianne @rillianne
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I hate people sometimes
Rillianne @rillianne
And that´s why technocracy > politics.

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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I hate people sometimes
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
Well Sunbae, congrats to you for not being one of these trendy leftards lacking in self-awareness. It's pretty funny in an ironic way many of these Bernie supporters decry Trump supporters for being sheeple and violent, yet are no different.
That aside, some people might tell me I came to the wrong place when I express I also have disdain for furies (creepy shit) , juggalos (shitty shit), and wait for it... weeabs. Their feeble attempts to learn Japanese by purely watching anime, constantly referring to things as "kawaii", keeping full supplies of waifu pillows, and making it their 9-5 occupation to disparage anything that isn't Japanese despite the fact 99% of them have never been to Japan makes me go 9 miles out of my way to clarify that I WATCH anime, NOT that I am an anime fan.

Arc @arc
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I hate people sometimes
Arc @arc
People who are less intelligent like taking sides and revel in conflict. When in reality, it is all just worthless banter. Most people in the U.S. don't realize our votes for president are next to worthless. Paper confetti. Delegates are already chosen. They are bought and paid for by corporations who want them to vote for their interests. Don't believe me? Just check who the delegates for each state vote for. They always choose who wins despite what the popular vote is.
Give the stupid masses something to fight about. Make them feel important. That's the truth behind politics. Hey, at least we stopped for the most part having racial wars.

Sunbae @alanzd
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I hate people sometimes
Sunbae @alanzd
@Arc our votes are basically next to nothing. I actually did some research on what you suggested about super delegates and.... and "she who should not be named" and you know what, you're right. I still voted today in the primary (just to be another statistic).
I don't think giving stupid people something to fight about is a good idea. Innocent people (including myself) who had nothing to do with those riots (yes they were actual riots) got caught in the crossfire. I was just picking my sister up from Oakland and bam, the streets are all blocked off and full of hundreds or rioters and the police didn't even make a single arrest or clear up the streets. They blocked the damn parking lot to the hotel we were supposed to stay at and we were late for registration and the charged us a fee.
Apparently, it started the day before I even got there, but I didn't know because the media didn't even cover it. They didn't even begin to cover it until two days after it ended (which was yesterday). I legit felt endangered by a mass of people for the first time. They asked me: "are you a Trump supporter?" Like that's the same thing as asking "Homie, you a blood or a crip?" or "Where your colors at?"

Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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I hate people sometimes
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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