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約2年 ago • Random Chatter
Aug 30, 22 at 8:57pm
I miss mowing a lawn. That used to be my escape.lol
Aug 30, 22 at 2:28pm
Ukraine should target all the alcoholic beverage factories in Russia. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/351/653/556.jpg
Aug 27, 22 at 10:06pm
Wax on, wax off.
Xbox 360 Live
約2年 ago • Random Chatter
Aug 27, 22 at 3:10pm
hello!, How is everyone today? I am hoping good. Looking to hang out at some point in public to make new friends, get to know people. Columbus ohio, lives in grove city ohio.
Jojo has been having some bizarre adventures recently
Event#4 2010. (Summer) I was walking back from my cousins one-night, as the sun was going down, down the same road where I stood looking back into the forest after i ran away, a few years prior. I remember as i got near to my house, I heard what sounded like women talking and giggling to themselves about 50 metres or more into the treeline. It sounded like the daughters of my other neighbors who lived nearby... but there was nothing in those woods, and it was too dark for anyone to be out riding horses. So, I called out what I assumed was the daughters; "Courtney! Kristen! Are you guys in there?!" The noise stopped immediately and the air was silent for maybe about 5-7 seconds. Suddenly the laughing started... but it really sounded like it would get distant then start getting really close to the treeline, while still giggling and laughing faintly. It honestly was so eerie and scary that this made my hair-stand up and I sprinted home. My mom then told me to not go out anymore after-that. Event#5 2011 (Autumn) My grandmother just learned she had cancer in her bones and just started her chem-therapy, as such, my parents went into the city to look after her for abit with my siblings, and I was left alone in our house to watch the place and go-to school. Most nights it was mostly me doing homework, playing video-games, or eating soup and food with my cat named "Savage". One-night when I was playing the newly released "Dead Island" for Xbox 360 in the living-room. I remember taking my earbuds out for a second only to hear something at the main door into the house. It sounded like something was pushing against the door. I heard the doorknob slowly get turned then released as some pressed agains the door, trying to push it open... Now the door's actualy lock was broken, and my father didn't fix it yet, so he made a bar-lock where we would bar the door from the inside... You see why I had to stay home now for the most part? (I was still able to get inside due to a secret string i can pull from the nearby window that I constructed.) I remember when I heard that... The door knob slowly get turned and the pressure of the door being pressed against, then the release of the knob. I recall being frozen the running to my parents room to fetch the rifles. I then opened the living-room window to check. There was nothing really there. So I opened the door and went outside with a .223 rifle with hollow-point ammunition. Didn't find anything... but that scent was there again, that smell of something rotting. Nothing happened after-that. End of Story. There is no conclusion, but there was a recent event, around this time last year, before I left to live in Cyprus for four-to-five months, I went out hunting and managed to shoot a moose, Now it didn't die immediately, and I ended up chasing the female moose that was accompanying him, I didn't know she was also there... The male ended up dying about 300metres in a small valley(Coullee) from where i shot him. Anyway, because of this mix-up, I ended up tracking the female for like 3-4 hours from the evening and into the night. It was sparsely cloudy and had enough moonlight so that I could make my way home in the night... But eventually I came to that corner of the fence again, this is where i decided to stop tracking the moose... not because of fear or anything, simple because it was already night-time and I was by myself. So I began my journey back to my parents new house in the valley. But the clouds covered the moon and I was out of light, So I just decided to sit by the fencepost in the middle of this giant field, rifle in my arms. Suddenly, I swear i seen a glow, a faint reddish glow that was pulsating from that forest where that incident happened so long ago. Apart of me wanted to go investigate honestly, as i'm not a coward and don't really have alot of things that scare me, but the logical side of my brain won and i just stared at iy for about 10min... looking at it pulsate faintly in the trees, glowing like it emitted no light at all. Eventually the clouds parted and I was able to head home. The end. I found my kill the next morning, but he was diseased so i ended up leaving it. These stories are only a few of the area... and more-people have had experiences in that local area. I spend enough time with myself in the wilderness that I've had alot of experiences in that area. Now there were more times where nothing happened, but these are the moments that I was directly involved in, or experienced. Thanks... and as i said before, believe what you will, maybe it was just some animals, but I don't know because i know the behaviours of all the local wildlife and nothing I experienced or know about animals has ever come close to these experiences. Hope you enjoyed the story.
Holy cow I completely forgot I made this thread like 2 years ago