Arc @arc
Set it On Fire - The story of Tom Nimble
Arc @arc
I wrote this one day in college and thought, hey, why not just post it here and have an AI read it as well? I only had one shot to do the voice so there are some minor hiccups, but I'm happy with it for a first go at using an AI storyteller.
Image: Stable Diffusion AI
Voiceover: Eleven Labs
Feb 04, 23 at 9:51am
@forgetmenot that’s fine! You don’t need to lol, I’ll just see what you post next time and still say it UwU
Feb 03, 23 at 6:52pm
Well, at least one married couple and two (One couple for sure.) who are currently engaged. They met on here and when you think about just how small of a niche site this place really is, those aren't bad odds for this place going on twelve years old. I've seen countless others date each other and let's not forget some inevitable fall out out that led to drama on the forums from butt hurt couples, cat fish and scammers.XD
I'd say I sorta count since I did have a chance, but that was so long ago and I've since been married/divorced/had kids/gonna start the cycle again(lol), that I'd hardly count that... Though she has come back (A few times over the years.)and I know some of the old heads have "played" that, too.XD
Feb 03, 23 at 3:51pm
Holy fuck is that a wall of text lmfao
Feb 02, 23 at 3:21pm
Yeah open that mouf. Take my big hot dog
Feb 01, 23 at 7:33am
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Jan 31, 23 at 5:58am
Haha well, I still don't know most of you, and I'll be lurking a little to see what kinds of threads I will participate in while taking it easy as trying new things/joining new sites gives me startled feelings and I need to let that cool down.
I appreciate this, thank you all~
Jan 28, 23 at 11:34am
Anyone here going to the Anime expo in LA during July?
Jan 26, 23 at 11:55pm
I've gotten a few with multiple inside, maybe I took one of yours.
Jan 26, 23 at 6:57am
Adults say the darndest things!
Jan 25, 23 at 10:41pm
In a cruel and ugly world, all we can really do is try to be better, to better ourselves and rise above all the problems around us. Learn more, explore and travel, improve yourself mentally and physically. Become an all around more enlightened well rounded person. To stop, is to stagnate. Be the person you wish this world could have more of.
Jan 25, 23 at 1:17pm
Yee, tis the reason why your not even worth making a meme for