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Panther-senpai @panthergames
Panther-senpai @panthergames

Showing off a couple pieces I got signed! Aqua and Destiny <3

Panther-senpai @panthergames
Panther-senpai @panthergames

Just realized my public playlist on YouTube music has 18k views O.o

Panther-senpai @panthergames
Panther-senpai @panthergames
Thanks for this one. I added this to my playlist ^.^
Continued fraction

αlερh-2 @alephy
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Continued fraction
αlερh-2 @alephy
Adualt animes

Panther-senpai @panthergames
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Adualt animes
Panther-senpai @panthergames
Two beans walk in a bar...
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Panther-senpai @panthergames
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What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Panther-senpai @panthergames