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Always nice to see old users pop back up. I've seen a lot of people come and go and can't help but wonder what became of them, how their lives are going and what not.
I absolutely love the hurdy gurdy, however, with your background((And shoulder), the first one(Guzheng) would probably be a more natural transition. Either way, grace us with a musical update whenever you decide. :)
Mental Health
約1ヶ月 ago • Serious Talk
May 28, 24 at 3:52pm
@anonmouse I'm not entirely sure what kind of sadness you're working with, but I'm grateful to have read this message. Life can be tough, and being okay with yourself is quite a challenge. Always remember: You do matter. ~ Total stranger, Jesper Thanks
YO MAMA jokes
約1ヶ月 ago • Creative Writing
The piss incident yo Mama caused?
This is what @verucassault saw when she looked at me while we watched the revenge episodes in Reincarnated as a Slime: https://i.ibb.co/VTqPQp6/heavy-breathing.gif
decided to try the dress on to see what needs fixing. Makeup and wig included but accessories missing.
Just save up money and go to the philippines there are so many bad ass woman with ಠ_ಠ bfs They love Americans. Some of the women there are in poverty and the men don't always treat them right. I was alot of my gfs firsts in regards to her being treated right. I'm not a saint but I feel like one when she tells me how much she feels cared for.
I don't think there could be a better choice than this https://www.wilsonjackets.com/product/korn-x-adidas-purple-sequin-track-jacket/ Korn x Adidas purple sequin track jacket and it should probably be a wardrobe staple this coming winter. every fashionable person should must have this type of dress Because such dresses are suitable for every occasion
I think it's important to temper the optimism of tech media who favor fantastic and impractical things with the reality of a world full of people from today. Let's recall that in the 50's they also thought they would have robots and flying cars, they aren't technically impossible, just as it was technically feasible to make an iPhone in the 1965, it wasn't practical. The AI bubble is about to burst, the Rabbit and AI Pin are showing that, it will be rolled into smart assistants and OSs and then it will be just as normal as talking to your home assistant, but we are probably a way out from personal cat girl robots, though there may be cafes and bars that offer this, but a gimmick, much like an animatronic singing rat. Sorry, not poo-pooing, just a technologist speaking about what I am passionate about. I build systems and these bots, and it's crazy cool tech, but not the magic the media will lead you to believe.
約1ヶ月 ago • Local Talk
This account has been suspended.
IRL pictures
約1ヶ月 ago • Random Chatter
May 21, 24 at 12:29am
@yaasshat I couldn't see it either with my own eyes. It was something that only showed up on camera. But I'll give you that. At least conditions were clear enough for it to show up even on camera. We did get plenty of rain soon after though.