Jan 15, 22 at 3:24pm
yogusa @yogusa
commented on
sharing your motion art
yogusa @yogusa
let me start with sharing a recording I made of practicing sword,
along Demon Slayer's newest ending song--"Asa Ga Kuru"
Aimer/朝が来るで武当太乙玄門剣を振ってみた Practicing Wudang Sword "Xuan Men Jian" - YouTube
Jan 14, 22 at 10:01pm
Yu yu Hakusho
Jan 13, 22 at 7:34pm
Otaku is defined as an obsession with a particular subject.
It is not limited to media or anime.
One can be an otaku of woodworking, glassmaking, or language studies.
Math can have otakus.
Science has otakus.
Music has an otaku audience.
But to be a weeaboo specifically refers to a non-Japanese person who values fictional stereotypes of the culture while ignoring and blatantly disrespecting the real Japanese people as well as their own native heritage.
Jan 13, 22 at 8:46am
Lesson 1:
Stop screaming. The Japanese are a polite and stoic people. If you are screaming at them they will think you're a raving lunatic or drunk. It will conjure images of past warlords and samurais which will make them retreat into their shells and ignore you. Learn to bow in script form. Learn to pour drinks in script form. This is the only way you can become a master of Kanji.
Jan 12, 22 at 1:46pm
Any new events or meetups happening around Charlotte, NC?
Jan 12, 22 at 12:05am
What systems do you have? And what are some of your current favorite games. I could reccomend tons, but it's best to narrow suggestions down to the person.
Jan 11, 22 at 2:31pm
Jan 10, 22 at 10:27pm
I'm just wondering if anyone else likes vkei
Jan 10, 22 at 8:59pm
"Just curious as most matches currently live in states quite far and close.
Being the only Illinois user here may sound weird."
Just moved here on June 1. I can't believe how beautiful it is.
Jan 10, 22 at 6:54am
This account has been suspended.
Jan 10, 22 at 5:43am
Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moroha finally got to meet her daddy inuyasha awww such a emotional episode i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!-cries- i been waiting for this...<33333
Jan 09, 22 at 7:16pm
I hope that you do m8. I'll see you there!
Jan 09, 22 at 4:47pm
Unfortunately I don't live in Indianapolis. I wish you all the excitement in the world, JoJo!