Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?

OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
just wondering do you really need the perfect body?

ZENFudo @zenfudo
commented on
Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?
ZENFudo @zenfudo
No, my friend cosplayed my character I have as my profile pic just fine and he's not Fudo's body type. You just have to pic a character that isn't revealing. If they're known for F-cup breasts or showing off their waist and you don't have those, its not a good idea. Other than that, if you pick a character you're able to pull off well go for it

OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
thanks ^-^ actually i dont cosplay as girl who show sking i cant do skirts or skimpy outfits like soe anime chicks can pull off it just alot of people see looks all the time there blind by looks and only honor those who look exactly like the character then honor those that atleast try ^^" so i was just wondering do you have to be skinny to cosplay?

ZENFudo @zenfudo
commented on
Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?
ZENFudo @zenfudo
I'm not skinny, I have to do characters which fit my build at least somewhat

OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
it good to know a guys opinion finally ^^

aoiyosei @aoiyosei
commented on
Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?
aoiyosei @aoiyosei
I see lots of people with lots of different body types cosplaying. I'm using next years con as a motivator to get in shape.. then I can pick one ^^ But that is because I want to get in shape and see this as a good motivator for me and no other reason ^_^

Axel @axwell
commented on
Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?
Axel @axwell
You dont need the actual characthers body just to cosplay, the outfit is very important IMO. However this year is badly want to place top 3 so i've been hitting the gym for 4 months now to work on my abs in order to cosolay Natsu from fairy tail. Started seeing results a few days ago, guess hard work pays off :3

drako2k0 @drako2k0
commented on
Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?
drako2k0 @drako2k0
Definitely not, cos-playing is a hobby that everyone is allowed to enjoy. Besides, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you shouldn't worry about what complete strangers think unless you want their approval.

candycandy @candycandy
commented on
Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?
candycandy @candycandy
I'm a plus size cosplayer and I have many friends who are as well.
people will judge whether you are cosplaying or not, its just a matter of having the courage to do what makes you happy.

drako2k0 @drako2k0
commented on
Do you have to be SEXY or PERFECT BODY to cosplay these days?
drako2k0 @drako2k0
Respect to all who have the courage to do what they love ^.^
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