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What's the reason you're single?

I got out of relationship during high school, than I graduated and started to find a career. And also, something in my life started to go downhill. But, now I am doing much better! :D
-Revives thread cause self sabotage-
Don't know the reason because women never explain... Me: hey whats wrong? Her: Oh nothing just was mad at other stuff. Me: (Leaves her alone so I don't bug her) Next day nothing...no responses I get deleted on social media for no apparent reason and never hear from her again... Women -_-' ...Apparently its a social norm since its happened more than once
I just moved here. I dated a guy shortly but he wasn't really my type so after a week we left off. I have no trouble getting dates but I'm not feeling the chemistry so much with the people I've dated so far. Not enough in common so the conversations get dry because no one goes: "Me toooo!" I've been on 4 real dates so far and "hung out" with a couple of guys but still was not "feeling it".
Because I can never find a goth girl who stays up past real niggie hours.
Nov 04, 15 at 11:27pm
Ok lol. Thats pretty funny though. I like goth girls yadimean
Nov 05, 15 at 12:39pm
I'm a ѡзiяdo.
I dated a girl named Olivia from Illinois for almost 2 years. We'd known eachother for a while but didn't talk for a few years. One day she messaged me and we picked it up again and fell in love. She couldn't take the distance anymore and gave up. Even though I'm still getting over it I really miss her and still love her, but it's time to move on I guess. Since then I've been shut in a little bit but have been wanting to make new friends and fall in love again.
I simply don't have anywhere to meet anyone, I basically work all the time and my work doesn't bring me into contact with anyone who is anywhere near my age and definitely no one who has similar interests. The last time I really had any contact with someone my age was probably ~5 years ago, maybe thats my fault for not going out and doing things but lets honest, I'm kinda an Otaku going out and doing things isn't my strong suit.
Nov 06, 15 at 6:51pm
When I finally do meet a guy I like, they tell me I'm out of their league and I can do better. Thus forever alone T.T
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