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What's the reason you're single?

I don't get out much, I guess... work and home. And when I do go out, it's to restaurants, where you can't exactly strike up a convo with some dude enjoying his meal (potentially in a group or with someone already) or to a bar where guys are looking for an easy drunken target. I've been using OkCupid and I've been out on a few dates but it just doesn't seem to work out. I actually did date this guy for a few months but that seemingly ended weird, so oh well.
never actually payed any attention to boys during high school, and know that im in college i just dont see them liking me more than just friends.
I am actually a cat so I can't date
Pshhhhh low self esteem, not pretty, socially awkward, and the list goes ooon
I live in the middle of nowhere and every girl I've ever met was either taken or didn't like like me.
Mostly cuz I'm socially awkward, and I kinda want a GF who watches animes So we can cuddle while watching something :V
Dec 02, 15 at 8:49pm
because im cool
I'm trash. Terrible person.
I can be creepy or scary at times. I don't express emotions physically well and always calm/quiet so I'm often mistaken that I don't care. I make things awkward without trying to. Apparently the way I talk is offensive. Sometimes I don't think I'm really good enough and I have a very high trust issue with paranoia.
i meme 2 hard
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