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rlove23 @rlove23
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rlove23 @rlove23
Final fantasy!!! Nice ^_^

Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
I love that haircut. I'll probably look for a job next year where I can grow it out again.

WolfKat @kirokun
WolfKat @kirokun
Back in my day they used to sell tea with my biscuits!
Now its that macha stuff with a bloody beagle?! Bloody wainkars are off their knockers I tell you!

WolfKat @kirokun
commented on
WolfKat @kirokun
Occupied sounds more like your taken...
Any SoCal here?

WolfKat @kirokun
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Any SoCal here?
WolfKat @kirokun
We should all just pick a day weeks in advance and ask/request for that day off to meet up.
Also if I became president I would make the celebration of Halloween longer by at least 2 days and make it a paid holiday.
-YourWelcome \(^-^)/