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What's the reason you're single?

Uh, atticus, bro. How do I put this... *puts hands on shoulders* I think you just implied her death on accident.
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Tobitairu in regards to your first post. Kick ass man you definitely have the right idea. The best part about it is that touch know what the problems are and that you're working towards resolving them. I run into people that can't even accept the problems or they know them and don't do anything about it. Sami_Erin Being a sweet heart no one should treat you badly or use you. But there are guys full of themselves that feel they can get away with anything. When you're with someone try to surprise them with things they don't know about you or hide a side of you. That way it makes you seem a bit secretive. That mystery keeps guys interested. Give them the impression That's there's more than a pretty face and that you can be clever. If not make sure they know to be afraid of cheating on you. Different things depending on the person. Momo Out of curiosity what are those qualities about your ex that are so perfect? I think that will paint the picture of what type of guys fall for you. Like Fire starter canti and others time seems to get in my way. I know the feeling my job is demanding and i am working on that. Plus is not like I am good looking and still need to get in shape. I am also dense and women need to really come after me for me to know they are interested. I guess there's much more to it but i need a computer to type it all. I will post later. Oh and kawaii learn to joke and flirt. I know you're shy but if you walk up to a guy with a smile and ask him if he likes you with a joking flirty voice. No harm done. You'll make them blush and if they do they will take a chance. If not hey you gave them a shot. Too bad for them.
ive never really thought why i am single, i guess i havent been looking until now
I'm single cause all the girls where I live only care about guys with Diesel trucks and guys who hunt. I don't care to do either cause I think both are stupid.
I'm just really shy I guess. I use humor when I'm nervous, so people don't really take me too seriously. I always end up good friends with the guys that I like since I'm too afraid to take it further. Then when I get the balls to tell them I like them, they usually only want to be a hook-up. Oh well. All of my friends are attractive guys! hahaha.
I'm not gonna lie I received a great t-shirt from friends for christmas: Reason I'm Single: (emtpy box) Ugly (emtpy box) Too Picky (checkmarked box) Dick too big, might kill someone I almost fell out of the chair laughing.
I'm pretty sure I'm single cause I'm looking for that girl I can never find. Its stupid too cause I tell myself I'll find her, but honestly, its impossible. I think I better get used to the single life, or learn to settle, cause either way I'm not getting what I want.
^ I guess I could say similar to Lockonstratos, I been interested in one girl so I never attempted to go for any other. Though it's pretty obvious she'll never look my way, so now I'm seeking. Other than that, I'm an anime fan and girls around here aren't anime fans... Since I'm big too, and I like games... I'm not really boyfriend material I guess. haha Plus I'm very shy. :)
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