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cetsay @cetsay
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cetsay @cetsay
I'm doing pretty good =D

Cid @tylor
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Cid @tylor
Thats good to here sorry for the late responce christmas is a verry buissy time

Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul
hi, welcome :) not much, constantly working my buns off. also really sick right now too so I'm just totally blah (`~`) whats up with you? what made you find such a website as this?
Anime Crush

Hotaru @arroko
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Anime Crush
Hotaru @arroko
Currently Ukitake and Grimmjow from Bleach haha.
What's the reason you're single?

Hotaru @arroko
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What's the reason you're single?
Hotaru @arroko
I'm just really shy I guess. I use humor when I'm nervous, so people don't really take me too seriously. I always end up good friends with the guys that I like since I'm too afraid to take it further. Then when I get the balls to tell them I like them, they usually only want to be a hook-up. Oh well. All of my friends are attractive guys! hahaha.
Oct 21-24
Oct 11-14
Nov 9-11
May 24-26