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Deactivated @ruby
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Deactivated @ruby
No sadly i couldn't make it =[ ,I'm guessing you did? Lol

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
zombie dude >:D! hows things goin on ur side of America? any outbreaks??

shikamarachan @shikamarachan
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shikamarachan @shikamarachan
What do you do between conventions?

ManLeftForDead @manleftfordead
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What do you do between conventions?
ManLeftForDead @manleftfordead
Curl up into a ball shunning the normal life.
(Honestly I don't, Only been to one con, but been thinking about the next cons! But just live each day normally but occasionally think about the cons, look up the guests, find others going, talk about it, etc.
~A C E N 2013~

ManLeftForDead @manleftfordead
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~A C E N 2013~
ManLeftForDead @manleftfordead
I posted before on this, but I actually am probably going for 100% sure! And I'm going to be buying a nice camera, so no using my phone for pictures. >:D So all you cosplayin, I hope to get you on my camera. ;) If I don't have a camera, then phone camera! :D but I'll have no idea who people are on here. :P