A 7-7.5 in attractiveness

flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
A 7-7.5 in attractiveness
flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
I am curious, what is MO's residents think of a 7-7.5 in purely physical attractiveness. for both men and women.
I think 10 would be fictional characters
9 would be celebrities or models
8 would be conventional attractive people
7 would be attractive with some obvious imperfections.
of course beauty is subjective, especially different cultures have different standards.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
A 7-7.5 in attractiveness
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I give this thread a solid 2 out of 4 stars.
Likewise the Rotten Tomato rating is probably close to a 40% critc score and 60% general audience score.
Otherwise I might give a Yelp review that's more honest about my personal opinion on the matter, but ultimately I know no one reads those. TLDR or whatever the kids say these days.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
A 7-7.5 in attractiveness
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Arc @arc
commented on
A 7-7.5 in attractiveness
Arc @arc

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