relationship advice....

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
relationship advice....
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
so i have had feelings for my best friend since we have been talking for like the past 4-5 years constantly, me and him have known each other for the past 10. he and i have the twin flame-soul mate energy, but i dunno i have never betrayed my newest feelings for him. i am pretty sure he likes me too. he makes exceptions for me that he wouldn't for other he is ALWAYS there when i need someone like a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk me down, someone to make me mad, someone to call me cute when i am not even trying to be, to be able to make me talk about my inner-most fears and thoughts, he was with me through so much!! soooo yea. he has been there so many changes in my life :)....and i have had feelings for him for a long time but he and i have never really been serious about it. i may have been at one point but we were both taken which i was bitter about his situation for ever but i befriended her, but when they broke up in the middle of august. i was upset emotionally a mess for him. like i felt for HIM. i guess you COULD say i love him. i just said some stuff to him about me staying single rn and he asked, "Why though?"
but i just need advice on what to do next. i dont want to lose my friendship with him but i also dont want rejection.
i dunno HALP! i am not good with this kinda thing.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
relationship advice....
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I don't know if I'm the one that should be giving this advice? Especially as I understand not wanting to ruin the friendship or anything, BUT, I think you should be honest about it. There will always be rejection in your life in some form, and I know it hurts, but I know how not knowing and playing "what ifs" in your mind can also drive someone crazy.
I say this as there WAS one person here I think I actually started to have a crush on and him with me. I ended up being honest about my feelings, we both did, and while it didn't go anywhere at the end of the day...I personally felt happy and proud despite a romantic relationship not forming (even if there was lingering sad thoughts about stuff after). I think at the end of the day though, that you should do whatever you feel is best for you, if you think you can handle never telling him then that's perfectly fine...but trying is also good too.
Don't allow nervousness or fear stop you from living life or taking a step out of your comfort zone. There IS a possibility he will and can reject your romantic advances/confession, I won't lie to you about that, but sometimes never knowing is just as much of a pain as knowing the outcome. ❤️

Arc @arc
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relationship advice....
Arc @arc
Confessing your feelings for someone you known for so long can be very difficult it could put what you currently at risk, but I think it’s totally worth it. The alternative is that you miss your chance and he gets another girlfriend who he may end up marrying one day. You don’t want a life full of regrets and what ifs, so I say take the shot.
It would be awkward to spring a confession on him out of the blue, so here is what I would do. Write all your thoughts and feelings for him on paper and hand it to him the next time you two part ways. It will give him some time to think about the possibilities of taking the relationship further. It’s a pretty big deal so it should be a decision that takes some time to make.
Yeah you might get rejected but it’s just a natural part of life. If he rejects you that’s just more time you’ll have not wondering and more time you’ll get to look for another romantic relationship.

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
commented on
relationship advice....
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
I will tell him tonight before he goes to bed!! :D he is online :D

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
commented on
relationship advice....
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
but he works from home so he is online throughout the day and i dont want to make him think about that while he is trying to work!! not fair to him or his customers D: so i am going to tell him tonight before he goes to bed (:

Veru @verucassault
commented on
relationship advice....
Veru @verucassault
Good thinking. Good luck. Sounds like there's something there. Don't squander it.
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