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Do You Prefer Anime Released in Batches or Weekly?

People have different opinions as to how a show's release should be formatted. Some say weekly episodes build fandoms through speculation of the next episode. Others are of the opinion that for efficiency and convenience one should be able to watch an entire show within their own preferred pace. Another argument is that weekly releases allows TV producers the ability to estimate if a program is worth continuing and thus can cancel the series early thus saving their cost as well as reassigning writers and artists to a new show with a larger fandom sooner. That of course shortchanges those that want to continue the show to its natural conclusion and grow frustrated that the ending will never come because weekly audience viewership wasn't adequate for the production to continue. Only to find out many did like the series, but wanted to watch multiple episodes in a row rather than be left on a cliffhanger for weeks. As for making it easier on artists obviously I'm not saying they should rush an entire series in a year's time. Just that the entire show be made available when the product is finished rather than getting people excited for an imminent cancelation or an uncanon ending that brings a false conclusion to the narrative. One could argue to merely let the weekly viewers have first dibs and have binge watchers wait till the entire show concludes to view everything at once. In the case of a series such as One Piece or Evangelion that could mean waiting decades or an eternity. An unreasonable ask comparably. We're not all Frieren ya know, heh! https://i.redd.it/wxju1zkm30tb1.png
Weekly when the plot is good or when there's even a plot. The excitement for another episode and having to wait a week is amazing. If it's a simple comedy or slice of life then just drop the entire season.
Batch and for this reason. A lot of animation studios put their staff through hell to keep up with weekly releases. They aren't doing Kimba the White Lion or Speedracer anymore where upwards of 5 minutes of an episode in total is a still frame. The batch method gives the staff a bit of breathing room so we can get a better product with a well rested staff. I love what the animators are making, ergo I love the animators themselves and they deserve to not work themselves to death. Literally in some cases.
For me it doesn't matter. I haven't watched anime in a bit...and most of the animes I have watched, all the episodes/seasons were fully released already XD. I tend to find stuff late and I binge it in one sitting if I really like it usually. However, if I do find an anime that's ongoing and I take interest in it, I still don't care when they release it. If I'm particularly interested with said show I'll remember to check in weekly or even daily for news on it....but my memory does suck so there comes a point I forget to check and then BOOM! The other episodes are there or a whole new season is lol, and even if not, I get over it fairly quickly. Anywho, my point is, whatever works for the animators and whatnot is fine for me. As @dyadka_yar said, they tend to be overworked a lot and I want them to be as well rested as possible, not only for their health but also the production will be better if they are healthy and well rested.
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