Selflessness or Selfishness

yuuzora @yuuzora
Selflessness or Selfishness
yuuzora @yuuzora
Do you believe people can be truly selfless or do you believe they always have ulterior motives?
Personally I believe that these things are not mutually exclusive, nor is anyone perfectly one or the other. I believe you can be a selfless person sometimes and a self-serving person at others. I know when I do something for my siblings, I never expect or want anything in return. I see it as my job to help them and that's it. But when I do artwork or marketing advice, I do tend to expect the person to help me out in return. So I'm not 100% selfless or selfish.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
Selflessness or Selfishness
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I don't think being selfish can necessarily be a bad thing. Especially in the case of work, especially since the point of people working is usually to get paid, and that's not a bad thing...we all need to eat and pay bills. Neither do I think it's bad for you to expect or want people to help you out, ESPECIALLY in a business setting.
But, I do think there's a point one can cross when the selfishness becomes a bad or dangerous thing. Like, if you do nice or good things for people all the time to be seen, praised, rewarded or to later come back and demand they help you just because you helped them, that is selfishness pared with entitlement. I think depending on what feelings are paired with "selfishness" is what makes it bad or harmful. I'm sorry if I didn't make sense...but, I do have experience with people/a person that are selfish in all the ways that are upsetting XD.
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