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Take it from a former people pleaser myself. Not everyone's validation matters. Especially when it's something that goes against you. Speak your mind. Yeah, when I was people pleasing, I had lots of friends but I didn't stick to my own moral compass. Did I even count as my own person at that point? No. Be proud of who you are. If someone doesn't agree then fuck 'em. They aren't your real friends to begin with. The real ones stay. That's building loyalty. That's forever. If you people please too much it will only destroy your mental health in the end.
It's not validation I'm seeking. I genuinely want to help people. I've been praying to God to make me a great Saint, that my life and actions would be the catalyst for people's conversions to faith or conversions of the heart to a better path.
I understand that as I did the same but when I say validation I mean them taking up your time as well. It drains a person's well being. Eventually you won't have anything left to give. To be selfish is to be selfless.
To be selfless through selfishness is to become that pillar others rely on who is unshakeable in his vindiction and ideals. It benefits those around you more focusing on yourself than it is to go out of your way for others first.
Hmm, I guess so. I've been mulling the idea of not getting married and devoting myself to doing divine mercies when I can, and or becoming a Deacon in the Roman Catholic Church
If that's what you decide you want to do then that's good. If that's not what you want then you don't have to. Take your time on that decision. Make sure it's something you want for your future.
Is it not an issue that people use discord for nefarious or illegal reasons? There's like a ton of femboy servers on discord with a majority of the users being 15-19. And I just stumbled upon one primarily 90% underage teens, and they are posting nudes. I think honestly there needs to be an AI filter to prevent someone from posting lewds, nudes, porn or hentai unless they are verified as 18 with a state ID. This is insane, like some users were advertising services to PAY FOR and were open about being underage. One of them (a girl surprisingly) was offering to be someone's paid underage online girlfriend. I reported all of them and got the F out of dodge. Please Please PLEASE if you have children, keep track of what they are doing online, and track the web traffic from your router, install content block/viewer/tracking software on their devices and computers. This is motherless and fatherless behavior and I bet all of these individuals have parents who are irresponsible. Better yet don't let your kids use discord or social media
^ Stated reasons above make me grateful for my parents not really letting my siblings and I be online like that when we were younger. We definitely played videogames and were allowed online, but it was while upstairs with our parents around or my older siblings to watch out for what websites we went to. I know as a kid that can maybe seem overbearing (and I mean when parents are genuinely concerned and careful, not actually controlling or overbearing), but I think there ARE benefits to the age in which you allow kids to go online or have their own phones, computers, iPads, etc. I mean, we see the issue with leaving kids to their own devices, the iPad kids are a huge example of that.
Weird, I got notifs people posted here. Or maybe they are phantom notifs...
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