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Dagger is back

Hey I'm back, it's been a while, how is everyone?
Jul 11, 24 at 8:22pm
how yer doin?
Doing alright. I've held down a job, joined a 12 step program for my sobriety (quit smoking pot and drinking, had some difficulty with it as I'm genetically predisposed to it. But I'm 21 days free from weed, 11 days sober now). my father has stage 4 metastatic cancer but it's looking promising as the tumors are shrinking again. My oldest brother has cancer and may have less than 7 months to live. I've totalled my car since a girl rear ended me on the highway. I've gotten out of magic the Gathering, and into model kits and Gundam anime. It's been a blessing to have been away and not have to be a moderator. I'm still depressed somewhat, but my psychiatrist has been a little bit of help. And I think I'm like a few steps away from fully finding myself.
But I'm doing okay. Oh and I own a few Fumos now
Jul 11, 24 at 9:23pm
Welcome back! I shall bestow upon thee premium brainrot! https://i.imgur.com/Ltu5sgY.jpg
welcome back to the show!
Welcome back, Dag. Sorry to hear about your dad and brother, but I am wishing them, you and the rest of the family the best. I know I have said it like a billion times to you now, but truly congratulations on the sobriety! It's very courageous of you to step out to better yourself not just mentally but physically as well, so plenty hugs and kudos sent your way. Now that my welcome backs and congratulations have been said, I have been doing very well lately, thank you for asking. Been trying to work on eating normally and sleeping normally again, also while working on self-control with certain aspects of my life...it is definitely a process XD, but I know it's one that's worthwhile.
Almost forgot. One of the newest developments in my hobbies is that I currently DM for old school Dungeons and Dragons. Currently I'm hosting sessions for Basic/Expert D&D using a modern version of it called Old School essentials, I'm also using some books of coworker of mine published, and I'm using some of the advanced Dungeons and Dragons reference books for 2nd edition AD&D such as the book for villains, castles and catacombs. The campaign setting I'm running is effectively a fantasy version of an equivalency of the Holy Roman Empire but like 150 years after it fell. There's five main races such as humans, elves, dwarves, ducks and halflings. In my setting at one point all these people had lived in harmony but people came down and ships from the heavens above and taught people magic, metalsmithing, war, potion making, mining among a lot of other things. Eventually they took wives with five races and birth being such as kobolds, gnomes, works, trolls and the first dragons. This resulted in a major war which could have destroyed the world, but the five races banded together and fought off their benefactors and the evil that came into the world. They weren't able to defeat these people but they sealed them using the magic and skills taught to them by these beings from the stars in a place under the Earth known as the pit. And this changed those people for the worst, creating the demons of the world. Eventually a man came down from the heavens during the time where there was constant war, strife and famine due to magic leaving the world due to the actions of the 5 races. This great being eventually sacrificed himself for the greater good and a religion popped up around the idea of self-sacrifice. This action also reignited the spark of magic in the world. The Empire of Neustria fell because a bunch of demons decided to attack a royal wedding, effectively killing off the emperor's Royal line by slaughtering all of them. 150 years later, the smaller principalities within the old borders maintain councils in order to keep peace and to prevent war, but certain other people have different plans, and some of them are working with the demons.
RT @rtae86 commented on Dagger is back
Jul 23, 24 at 6:30pm
Welcome back. Hope everything goes well for you!
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