My Manga

Arc @arc
My Manga
Arc @arc
Here is the place I will pour all of my art when I'm feeling creative. I have a novel called Baku and I've always wanted to make a manga inspired comic. I want to eventually do rough comic panels here and there when I'm feeling inspired enough. Feel free to comment or whatever.

Arc @arc
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My Manga
Arc @arc

I did this rough image of kind of how I envision the cover art for Baku to be. The main character, Baku, is around 16 years old when the story starts. Recently I envisioned him wearing Harujiku inspired streetwear with an oversized hoodie and streetwear cargo pants. This sketch is about as much patience I have to draw tonight but it gets the idea out there.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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My Manga
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I will say this. If your cover is only a rough sketch then I don't foresee much difficulty in your work gaining popularity.
After all one must remember Tower Of God had rather terrible looking artwork in its original comic release, but still was popular enough to be made into a professional style anime.

Arc @arc
commented on
My Manga
Arc @arc
@gabriel_true Yeah, I've always struggled finding motivation to keep doing art, especially backgrounds, but with the help of AI I can probably do so much more! I think next I want to do some character profiles like I did with Baku. I'm thinking about re-naming both my side characters so that's my main hold up now. I might have another one done this weekend if I can get the time in.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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My Manga
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I remember reading an interview with a writer who said they always thought of names last. They would create the world first, then have nameless characters interact, and by the end they would know what to call them by how each individual one grew throughout the narrative.
Hopefully that helps get around any blocks you feel yourself having. Never have much time to write, but when I toyed with the idea myself I tried taking that philosophy of nameless characters interacting defining who they were to become.

Arc @arc
commented on
My Manga
Arc @arc
yeah, that's a good strategy. When I was first creating the story I named all the characters and Baku was the only one that just felt right. The others felt 'okay' repeating them in my head but I just know that there is something better. I'm feeding a lot of info through ChatGPT to get some ideas.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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My Manga
Gabriel @gabriel_true
The name Baku reminds me of Final Fantasy 9.

Arc @arc
commented on
My Manga
Arc @arc
Woah, I totally forgot that guy was named Baku! That was a throwback.

Arc @arc
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My Manga
Arc @arc

Here is a good example of me using ChatGPT to brainstorm character names. The jury is still out on whether ChatGPT just wants to placate my ego but I'm having a pretty good time brainstorming with it.
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