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Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-

1313. @swadian the proof is in the pudding
Thinking more on the whole "would I date a man" thingie, I think if I were to ever give it a thought or a chance, it would had to be with someone I was compatible with, someone that were to be realistic to go through all the way and with someone that I felt a connection with, there's for example, Tsun Tsun and Ghost, two males I have openly asked them if they would take me as their partner if I were to go the trans route.
1314. "I really hated my ex gf prudish behavior I try everything to simulate her but nothing work. I guess I should have see. The signs were there even before I dated her but I was foolish thinking I could chnage her like everyone else did. But nope so go FUCK yourself. Worse part it mess me up and cause me.to doubt myself. Fuck you.."
@1314 she probably had a low libido. you can't really change that.
1315. or its possible ur not skilled or she was a lesbian in denil...
@1315 Skill, has nothing to do with it. Everyone's different and likes different things.
1316. To the one who claimed rape of Amarantha against Shoniya know that it is a serious offence that should not be taken lightly. If Amarantha confided in you such matters one should have told her to report it to the police immediately. However be mindful that to my knowledge Amarantha lives in the Philippines while Shoniya is currently in Mexico. Two different countries laws would come into play. Additionally if the crime was committed on US soil then we're talking 3 different legal systems. Rape is not something to throw around lightly and is grounds for slander. One last matter to address if all of this took place online then the best case a person could make would be sexual harassment. That still requires Amarantha's testimony to convict not a rando stranger speaking on her behalf. Since Amarantha is taking legal studies I know she could make decisions to pursue legal recourse without relying on mob justice.
@1300 “unrealistic. It’s just not realistic”
@1305 Of course you wouldn’t call yourself a snowflake. But I would call you a snowflake. At a fundamental level. What are you whining about? You are whining because some gays insert too many dicks up their ass. You are a grown man whining about how many dicks someone else sticks up their ass. It should be none of your business how many dicks grown consenting adults want to stick up their ass. Oh, but they’re spreading AIDS among themselves! I double checked this info with the CDC. You are correct that AIDS is more common among gay and bisexual men. My argument still stands. If two grown consenting adults decide to buttfuck each other, then they and no one else is responsible for whatever happens. In other words. If gays fucking results in AIDS among themselves. Who gives a shit. People get absolutely zero sympathy from me for problems they themselves caused. I’ll be like. Shit, sucks to be you. That’s what you get for fucking around so much and being a dumbass with your own body. Grown ass adult making stupid decisions for their own body. No sympathy from me. Fucking make MEMES and laugh at them is what I'll do xD. That is their problem. Not your problem. Nor my problem. Whatever consenting adults do within their bedrooms should be none of your business, my business, nor the government business. You are whining about a “rejection of any social morals, social values or social standards.” What is the right number of dicks that a gay must take up that ass so that they abide by proper “social morals, social values or social standards?” Is it just one dick? Two dicks? Does a gay become sinful and rejects “any social morals, social values or social standards” with three dicks? Lol, yes you are a snowflake for whining about how many dicks gays stick up their ass. https://i.ani.me/0327/2911/grey.jpg I take the same basic stance for people who smoke and/or do drugs. If someone smokes 2 packs of cigarettes every single day. 20 years done the line they get lung cancer. Do I care? Nope, that's their problem for smoking 2 packs of cigarettes every single day. Likewise, people fucking left and right unprotected. Then down the line they get AIDS. Do I care? Nope, that's their problem for fucking around so much. I let people live out whatever stupidity they want to live out. That's what freedom is all about.
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