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Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-

Very succinct. "I let people live out whatever stupidity they want to live out. That's what freedom is all about.". Gotta put that on a shirt.lol
1317. Hello! It's Shoniya's secret admirer's friend! They told me to tell @swadian that they aren't familiar with Tsun. From what they've read of Kuharido's posts it's likely that their personalities are polar opposites. Not sure if Kuharido has personality traits you're attracted to in particular other than he's open to transwomen. The friend in question leans more conservative with their lifestyle and doesn't drink or smoke. Though they don't hold it against you if you do. It's just not their lifestyle choice. They are looking for a monogamist relationship. To compare this person to someone in pop culture I'd say they're kinda like a Pete Buttigieg. Anyway they say that whatever your choices so long as they're healthy they would be supportive. They're not looking for a sex buddy and would love someone to cuddle with and share simple moments. They are a romantic type. Man or woman they like you for you Shoniya!
1318. "I wish I never discovered Lolicon... i understand many say its not real so its fine. but they do look like little girls. because of the connection your brain makes with youthful characters, its easier to get into the real thing or think about younglings in your life. I am extremely glad that its not hard to resist when a ""loli"" is near IRL. BUT I would much rather not have these thoughts at all. Why does anime cater so hard to fetishizing or making fan service of characters under 15????"
1319. she said he raped her omg y do u want her to relive the memory its trauma enough to be abused and now u want her to talk about it on public? @swadian was creepy to me too and givin me bad vibes he will try to rape me too if I date he so I tell him no when he want to visit me
1320. " yaasshat go away no one loves ugly ducklings "
1321. Dagger I'm a cute feMALE TEHEE wanna see.my skirt?
1322. Is Dagger is giving you trouble best way to escape that us To throw a girl trap at him.
1323. I can't forgive you Nona
1324. It's difficult to express true feelings to people. In my case if I say anything positive it gets drowned out by a million negative voices so much so that the people I want to reach interpret what I'm saying as hollow or a parody. Others tell me to not say anything and keep silent. In my own family that's always been the case. Silence is golden. If someone is unwell, stiff upper lip and keep silent. A relative died due to tragic circumstances? Say nothing and pretend they didn't exist. New relatives become discovered, yet they experienced hardships to get where they are today? Fuck um. Keep your distance and act like they don't have any relation. People want you to succeed, but hate you if you do. They hate you if you don't. They just hate for the sake of hating. They hate themselves so how can they expect to accept your love. I should keep my love to myself. I need it the most. I should...I... don't think this is love. I think I am filled with hate. That's why people hurt. Cause I am filled with hatred. My hatred that I cling to to protect myself like razor wire. Wrapping myself in it. Cutting myself all the while keeping those that love me away. It wasn't them that hated me. It was I that hated them.
@1319 bruh, he couldn't have even done that. They are in different countries for crying out loud.
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