Martial Arts And MMA
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
Martial Arts And MMA
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
For anyone that's done or wants to do martial arts. I only recently really got into it and i'm looking into practicing bjj, muay thai or kickboxing somewhere, but no luck yet with finding a good gym or school.
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
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Martial Arts And MMA
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
I'm decent at some kicks but my ground game is horrible, need to find a gym to learn bjj at, learing by sparring with friends just isn't good enough.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Martial Arts And MMA
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Sweep the leg!
Wax on, wax off.
Look out for the titty twister.
Kung Fu Pow!
Aright that was all best attacks. Use them well grasshopper.
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
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Martial Arts And MMA
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
I'm gonna interpret sweep the leg as a low kick which I'm pretty good at.
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Martial Arts And MMA
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Sweep the leg Johnny
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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Martial Arts And MMA
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
I highly recommend learning perhaps the most lethal form of martial arts on planet Earth, possibly even the entire galaxy, called Rex-kwon-do...
OMG the Peter Pan line gets me every time XDDDDDDDDD
DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
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Martial Arts And MMA
DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
Recommend doing the Kata everyday and Side kicks,Side punch,Upper Punch,Kicks,and such.
(Was a Brown belt years ago.)
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
commented on
Martial Arts And MMA
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
I'm thinking about implementing the conditioning techniques from karate actually
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