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Martial Arts And MMA

For anyone that's done or wants to do martial arts. I only recently really got into it and i'm looking into practicing bjj, muay thai or kickboxing somewhere, but no luck yet with finding a good gym or school.
I'm decent at some kicks but my ground game is horrible, need to find a gym to learn bjj at, learing by sparring with friends just isn't good enough.
Sweep the leg! Wax on, wax off. Look out for the titty twister. Kung Fu Pow! Kamehameha! Aright that was all best attacks. Use them well grasshopper.
I'm gonna interpret sweep the leg as a low kick which I'm pretty good at.
Sweep the leg Johnny
I highly recommend learning perhaps the most lethal form of martial arts on planet Earth, possibly even the entire galaxy, called Rex-kwon-do... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_W4Gi5h9P8 OMG the Peter Pan line gets me every time XDDDDDDDDD
Recommend doing the Kata everyday and Side kicks,Side punch,Upper Punch,Kicks,and such. (Was a Brown belt years ago.)
I'm thinking about implementing the conditioning techniques from karate actually
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