Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta

mirai_k @mirai_k
Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta
mirai_k @mirai_k
Ever worried that an ex might post revenge porn about you on Fakebook or Instaspam? No worries cos Uncle Zuckerperv has your back(side)! Just send your noods to Fakebook, the company with the world's best privacy track record, and he'll painstakingly study every detail about your naked body to jealously ensure that no one else on Fakebook or Instaspam will have your noods!!! And this is 100% effective because people can't post revenge porn anywhere else on the internet.
He'll keep things private too, only sharing info about your noods with God knows how many other people at 50+ other concerned companies, the number of which will continue to grow. No worries, if you change your mind about letting Uncle Zuckerperv have your noods it's totally fine! You can stop your participation at any time which totally works because nothing on the internet is forever, right?

CAC @cac
commented on
Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta
CAC @cac
This has to work.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I remember back when I was a child a man once called in to a radio station to suggest the government pull the literal power cord to the world's internet.
"I say we pull the power cord from the internet box and have people go back to doing everything face to face.
If ya can't do nothing by hand in person it ain't worth a damn!"

Rei @reisenpai66
commented on
Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta
Rei @reisenpai66
Fire fox is doing this exact same idea but with personal data.. basically "give us your personal info so we can prevent your personal info from being out there."

mirai_k @mirai_k
commented on
Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta
mirai_k @mirai_k

Hey great idea! Here's the World's Internet Router. If we pull the plug we can shut down Fakebook and save the world! I just hope everyone on MaiOtaku is ok with sharing posts via snail mail xD

mirai_k @mirai_k
commented on
Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta
mirai_k @mirai_k
It's pretty sad that Firefox is trying this same crap with people's personal info, but still, there's definitely a world of difference between that and asking for everyone on the planet to send in their noods =P All for the greater good ofc!

Veru @verucassault
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Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta
Veru @verucassault
Sounds like the Unabomber.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta
Veru @verucassault
In his manifesto, Kaczynski wrote cogently of his fear that “the technophiles are taking us all on an utterly reckless ride” and that technology “will eventually acquire something approaching complete control over human behaviour”.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta
Veru @verucassault
He's not wrong. ... just sayin

Rei @reisenpai66
commented on
Zuckerperv wants YOUR NOODS for Facebook/Meta
Rei @reisenpai66
Unibomber has his own cult following now lol. I've read a little bit of the manifesto but not enough. It's well thought out tho. Makes sense. Technology will be the downfall of us. We see this already with social media echo chambers
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