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CAC @cac
CAC @cac
35 years old today and nothing's changed, just another year.

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
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Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
hullo!! how are you doing today?? :D

CAC @cac Hello, I'm alright, just got done with work a couple hours ago and now just watching stuff on YouTube. How are you doing?

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean i'm great i am listening to music i got high twice today :D today is truly a great day, i am happy today not only because of the high, but because i feel lighter...dunno music helps!! friends help!! jake helps!! :D

CAC @cac Oh, that's great to hear! I'm glad for you then.

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean thanks and yea how you today??
that was yesterday i am also feeling happy today too :D

CAC @cac I'm alright I guess, nothing really going on with me.

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean ah i see glad your not terrible xDD

janny32 @janny32
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janny32 @janny32
Tudo bom??? Você é de onde?

CAC @cac Sorry, English only.
Hololive / vtubers.

CAC @cac
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Hololive / vtubers.
CAC @cac
Now if only Filian would get her own model instead of the stolen one she uses, lol.
Last one to post here wins

CAC @cac
commented on
Last one to post here wins
CAC @cac