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Scary Story Time

@amrantha you were there? I was looking for my baby
May 07, 22 at 3:04am
https://c.tenor.com/kLxm7UAywr0AAAAC/seohyun-kim-hyojin.gif me and @kawaii_kit dis what we actually doing XDDD
Le spies
May 07, 22 at 11:44am
https://c.tenor.com/CdwDXdGptlsAAAAd/anime-sad-sad.gif [Sorry for my grammar, etc. etc.] This happened when I was in high school. So I joined scouting, and we are to stay in school for like 3 days or so...Our school's been rumored to be a prison during the Japanese occupation, but whatever, stories always be like that even for others. They said that one of the creepy parts of the school is the inner court and the rooms surrounding it, and unfortunately, our room assignment was near it. Our leader asked me to help her get some stuff near the gate, while we were walking within the inner court I suddenly stopped walking and ducked. The team Leader got confused and asked me what happened, I told her that there was a little boy running towards me, and I asked if she saw it, and she said no, she begged me not to mention it to avoid attracting negative shit...Later events, I once met with a sacristan who assists exorcists he told me about our school history and he shared that there is a little boy in the inner court who has been there for quite a while already, and we shared the same description of the boy. The boy has pale skin, and black hair, he has bangs, wearing shorts, a white shirt, but not wearing any shoes/slippers.
Aug 22, 22 at 3:12pm
I guess this is a good as place to tell this story. This weird creepy encounter that was told to me by my father. My father was around 14, 15 years old when this happened. Let me start off by laying down some backstory. https://i.ani.me/0327/2911/grey.jpg My father was raised in a very small town that’s very close to the ocean. I also spent some of my childhood in that small town. The beach at night. There isn’t a soul for miles. Is hauntingly beautiful. This small town is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. From that small town. I’ve heard some odd stories about the devil, ghosts, gnomes and other weird shit. Which I don’t really believe. Because I personally haven’t seen any of it. But always fun to hear at the dead of night. Anyways back to the story. https://i.ani.me/0327/2911/grey.jpg My grandfather often sent my father to the neighboring towns for his business. Mind you that my father didn’t go in a car. Most people didn’t have cars in that small town. My father went on a horse. Also, during those days. People often rode with their guns. Most everyone was armed when they rode on horseback. With some rest in between riding. It took people an entire day on horseback to get to the nearest town. On one of my father’s trips back from the nearest town. It was the dead of night. Only light was that of stars and moonlight. As my father was riding along. My father’s horse got spooked. The horse refused to go any further. My father then said that he started hearing weird noises all around him. I can’t really describe through text the noises that my father heard. As my father had a gun on him. My father unloaded an entire clip onto the air. The gunfire illuminated the surrounding area. My father looked around while he was firing, but he didn’t see anything off. Once the clip was empty. He loaded another clip onto the gun. The gunfire actually somewhat calmed the horse. My father talked to the horse. Calmed the horse nerves with his voice. My father new very well how to handle and soothe his horse. My father then proceeded on his way back home. My father was extra vigilant. No other weird shit happened on that trip. He ultimately returned safely back home. https://i.ani.me/0327/2911/grey.jpg What do I think? I honestly don’t know. My father also doesn’t know either. It could have been some animal. It could have been some dude trying to scare people on the trail. Maybe a cryptid. In my opinion. The most plausible explanation is that it was a person or a group of people. Because the noise was coming from all around. But the question is WTF were they doing in the middle of nowhere? In the middle of the night? Maybe trying to rob people? I don’t know. There you have it. Some weird creepy encounter that my father had at night. In the middle of nowhere.
I was captivated by Aleph's story up until he made one fatal error in his narrative. Unless his dad was firing off a submachine gun like a Thompson from World War I then I doubt he used a "CLIP." What his father actually emptied and changed out was a MAGAZINE. Magazines hold the rounds used by modern semi automatic pistols. Get ya damn facts straight! Also your dad left his safety on because he's rookie like you. https://i.redd.it/xhumyxoca7t51.jpg
Aug 23, 22 at 5:04am
Hahaha! You gave a smartass response. To my smartass. NOICE. I purposefully made the type of gun amorphous. Because the type of gun is an irrelevant detail. Unnecessary specifics. Just like the type of breed for the horse. It’s an irrelevant detail. Was it a mustang? Was it thoroughbred? We all now what the colloquial meaning of a gun is. I wasn’t referring to any specific type of gun, but just the general colloquial meaning of a gun. Now get in your car and move along. Oh, it’s not a car. It’s a truck. A ford F-150 to be more precise or whatever the fucc. Ok, same shit. Same general meaning. Now go suck a dicc xD
The devil was in the details. That's why the horse was spooked. He heard you whispering incorrect facts and was like, "nah, this shit ain't adding up!" Haha, now get on your horse and move along buckaroo!
Aug 23, 22 at 5:20am
I'll get on the horse. Once you get off muh dicc
I'll get off yo dic once you get out of being a pain in my ass!
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