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Scary Story Time

Aug 23, 22 at 5:26am
I guess i'm never getting on that horse then xD
Aug 23, 22 at 7:38am
My brothers went camping in the woods beside our house one night with a couple of their friends. We found out the next day they wound up at one of the friends' houses. They had abandoned their camp stuff in the middle of the night because of getting surrounded and hearing weird noises. Like aleph's story but without the cartoon gun or horse. They went back the next day and saw the paw prints. It had been a large pack of coyotes. Kinda scary but not. At night in the woods you are treading on THEIR territory. Coyotes don't attack humans very often but can if rabid or threatened. And living in the sticks you hear about rabies cases in animals pretty frequently.
Going to tell a story which might sound like bullshit, and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't believe it -- So the balls in your court on this one; whether you believe it or not. The following events will be taught in isolated events, even though they might be connected, Generally there are all individual cases on their own... This story will not have an ending, it will not have a coherent storyboard, but rather they are experiences I have lived through. I grew up hunting and generally I spend as much time in nature as I can and try to camp-out overnight if weather affected conditions permit it. I always enjoyed hearing stories or reading folklore by fires. Actually when I was a younger man, Teen more-so, I was more skeptical of legends and stories, I used to think that these things were either just allegorical for greater lessons or teachings, and in some senses, most were... I was raised on a native-american reservation somewhere in north-america. My home/reservation at the time was located within a portion of a really-huge valley which stretched throughout most of the Canadian mid-west. Which essentially is a giant valley that has smaller connected valleys located within it. This specific area was always rich in stories of the locals of strange events happening at certain times of the year -- everything from orbs in the trees and skies, to mutlilated cattle, or weird occurences at peoples residences at night.
Event#1 1996 (Autumn) I was an infant being babysitted by one of my uncles, Apparently when he was cooking; he seen what looked like an orb floating passed the garage and window, it was apparently hovering near the house and would keep most of it's activity located near the living-room windows where me and my cousin were located; sleeping in our car-seats. This entire event lasted about 1-3 minutes in total from what I hear, and my uncle didn't leave our sides for the rest of the night until my parents got home. I don't know if he called the police or not, truthfully, I don't think anyone on the reservation ever did during these incidents... They're just so bazar. Event#2 2003-2004 (Summer - Autumn) Me and my uncle we're playing Raibow-Six: Ravenshield for the PS2 in the room at the time when during one of our pauses, we heard a tapping on the outside window... Now a big thing to understand is that this happened before to my mother and aunts when they were alone. It would be on the windows or on the outside of the house to where they would hear it through the walls. It was weird because it didn't sound like a bird's beak or anything... It always sounded so deliberate, like something wanted our attention. It's important to understand that we're told by our elders that during events like these, we are supposed to ignore it, and neither seek it out or pay-attention to it. Keep your eyes away from where the sound is located. Me and my uncle did not go into that room for the entire night... and watching my mom's and aunts romance shows we're more preferable than that room anyway lol
Event#3 2008-2009 (Between Summer and Autumn, I think.) During report-card season, I remember I had a particalrily bad one... The type that me and my mother fought over to the point where I got so upset that I got it in my head to run away to the city... probably to my aunts or friends. Now, my entire plan was to essentially sneakily travel through the country-side and forests instead of the roads where my father and family could find me. I began my journey going down a back-road that lead to behind an old-graveyard, in-addition to behind one of my distant grandfather's ranch. Eventually, I hit the corner of the fence of the ranch, and I remember two-things; the smell of death, as in scent of something that died and was left to bake in the hot sun. The second was how defensive the horses were acting... They kept in a defensive circle, encircling around the young horses and the ones facing my direction were looking my direction also... I think they could smell that scent also, additionally they were staring in my direction, but also it seemed like they were staring at the woods located about 20m to my left; facing towards them. Now in native-american folklore... Smelling the scent of death, or rotting-flesh is an extremely bad omen, it's apparently the sign that an evil-spirit is nearby and one should leave the area immediately or smudging with sage. I wasn't superstitous back then... and still am very skeptical about these things. But it was a strange incident... Eventually, I calmed down and managed to break-into the old-abandoned house we lived in-for sometime; getting an old sweater and switch-blade that one of my uncles in the cupboard. At this point... I thought I should just man-up and go home and face my punishment. So I did... but it was already getting pretty dark and it was cloudy too... The only thing that could be seen was the outline of the dark shapes of the forest reaching up onto the cloudy-blue sky. On my walk back, I ended up losing the trail and decided that I would just cut-directly through a km of dark-forest... the same forest that the horses mentioned before were staring at... When i first broke into the tree-line, it was pitch-black, and completely silent; which wasn't really concerning because i was making alot of noise and animals in the dark stay quiet when they think a predator is nearby... but honestly... it was eerily quiet, like not even a peep of a bug being annoying somewhere in this deep-forest. I remember that smell came back from before, but it was stronger this time... It filled my nostrils and I was regretting the decision because I thought I was walking near a cougar-den. But I needed to keep moving or be lost for the night in the woods with no phone, no light and not even a means of starting a fire. I remember my footsteps along the leaves sounding like I had a second pair of feet moving in tandem in my own - which if you know anything about hunting or stalking prey; you always only move when your prey moves so that the sounds of your feet get muffled with theirs. Anyway, I thought this was just my brain playing tricks on me due of hyperaletness. So I created a plan to test this theory on three attempts - I'd walk faster then suddenly stop in-order to prove it's just my own movements making the noises coupled with my brain. So I did it the first try, and nothing happened, I stopped, it stopped. The second try, I stopped, it stopped. The third try, I stopped, and I heard something take an extra step behind me... This sent me into a full-on sprint through the pitch black forest until i eventually tripped over a log(Although i was backup in less than half-a-second), I could hear something shifting as it ran to my left and rear flanks, as if a predator corralling something to a desired direction(Wolves do this). Eventually I got to the end and bursted out into the field, eventually jumping over a barbed-wire fence; onto a long road and standing frozen looking back into the forest... It felt like I was there for half an hour, but in reality it was just a few minutes. Then finally I remember seeing the silhouette of a lone tree in the windless night exclusively rocking back and fourth as if being pushed by a bear or a human rocking the tree. I eventually continued down the road until my father found me, He was with one of my grandmothers... I didn't tell them anything at the time.
Event#4 2010. (Summer) I was walking back from my cousins one-night, as the sun was going down, down the same road where I stood looking back into the forest after i ran away, a few years prior. I remember as i got near to my house, I heard what sounded like women talking and giggling to themselves about 50 metres or more into the treeline. It sounded like the daughters of my other neighbors who lived nearby... but there was nothing in those woods, and it was too dark for anyone to be out riding horses. So, I called out what I assumed was the daughters; "Courtney! Kristen! Are you guys in there?!" The noise stopped immediately and the air was silent for maybe about 5-7 seconds. Suddenly the laughing started... but it really sounded like it would get distant then start getting really close to the treeline, while still giggling and laughing faintly. It honestly was so eerie and scary that this made my hair-stand up and I sprinted home. My mom then told me to not go out anymore after-that. Event#5 2011 (Autumn) My grandmother just learned she had cancer in her bones and just started her chem-therapy, as such, my parents went into the city to look after her for abit with my siblings, and I was left alone in our house to watch the place and go-to school. Most nights it was mostly me doing homework, playing video-games, or eating soup and food with my cat named "Savage". One-night when I was playing the newly released "Dead Island" for Xbox 360 in the living-room. I remember taking my earbuds out for a second only to hear something at the main door into the house. It sounded like something was pushing against the door. I heard the doorknob slowly get turned then released as some pressed agains the door, trying to push it open... Now the door's actualy lock was broken, and my father didn't fix it yet, so he made a bar-lock where we would bar the door from the inside... You see why I had to stay home now for the most part? (I was still able to get inside due to a secret string i can pull from the nearby window that I constructed.) I remember when I heard that... The door knob slowly get turned and the pressure of the door being pressed against, then the release of the knob. I recall being frozen the running to my parents room to fetch the rifles. I then opened the living-room window to check. There was nothing really there. So I opened the door and went outside with a .223 rifle with hollow-point ammunition. Didn't find anything... but that scent was there again, that smell of something rotting. Nothing happened after-that. End of Story. There is no conclusion, but there was a recent event, around this time last year, before I left to live in Cyprus for four-to-five months, I went out hunting and managed to shoot a moose, Now it didn't die immediately, and I ended up chasing the female moose that was accompanying him, I didn't know she was also there... The male ended up dying about 300metres in a small valley(Coullee) from where i shot him. Anyway, because of this mix-up, I ended up tracking the female for like 3-4 hours from the evening and into the night. It was sparsely cloudy and had enough moonlight so that I could make my way home in the night... But eventually I came to that corner of the fence again, this is where i decided to stop tracking the moose... not because of fear or anything, simple because it was already night-time and I was by myself. So I began my journey back to my parents new house in the valley. But the clouds covered the moon and I was out of light, So I just decided to sit by the fencepost in the middle of this giant field, rifle in my arms. Suddenly, I swear i seen a glow, a faint reddish glow that was pulsating from that forest where that incident happened so long ago. Apart of me wanted to go investigate honestly, as i'm not a coward and don't really have alot of things that scare me, but the logical side of my brain won and i just stared at iy for about 10min... looking at it pulsate faintly in the trees, glowing like it emitted no light at all. Eventually the clouds parted and I was able to head home. The end. I found my kill the next morning, but he was diseased so i ended up leaving it. These stories are only a few of the area... and more-people have had experiences in that local area. I spend enough time with myself in the wilderness that I've had alot of experiences in that area. Now there were more times where nothing happened, but these are the moments that I was directly involved in, or experienced. Thanks... and as i said before, believe what you will, maybe it was just some animals, but I don't know because i know the behaviours of all the local wildlife and nothing I experienced or know about animals has ever come close to these experiences. Hope you enjoyed the story.
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