
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Say a hottake

Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Bitches be trippn

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true
DEADLY PREMONITION 2 is a thing!!!!!!
Deadly P is back
Get to whistling!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true
After replaying Resident Evil 4 Remake I have come to the conclusion I much preferred the original.
While replaying Remake I had it hard crash 7 times in a single playthrough on PlayStation! One of the crashes happened during the second Jack Krauser boss fight where he threw a flash grenade that glitched me back to the menu. Gotta say well played Jack! You're no rookie.
Over all, I was reminded why I never paid for the Separate Ways expansion. Ada Wong doesn't interest me in this version. Her personality is far more dry and lacks enthusiasm. Plus the bit at the end where she supposedly doesn't give Wesker the amber sample makes zero sense since he ends up with it in the 5th game regardless of her change of heart. Why bother trying to alter the story's events now?
Salazar and the castle weren't as memorable. His boss Saddler is far less quippy. They somehow made the island level even more obnoxious as well as frustrating with enemies literally teleporting into existence in my face none stop making certain game overs ridiculously cheap rather than fair. Plus they created a tedious scenario in which Ashley gets kidnapped if you don't protect her while a Regenerator spawns in to get in the way!
The 3 things Remake genuinely has going for it are the changes to Luis' role in the story and how he dies, the Merchant's mini games, and being able to do cool knife tricks. That's it! The rest is a watered down version of the original.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
A hot take

lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
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lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
I prefer hotcakes

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Been awhile since I've had any. But I tend to eat the same foods anyway for years now XD.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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yaasshat @yaasshat
My recommendation, krusteeze makes a good mix called "sweet cream".
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