Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?

Uninterested. @coffeelink
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Uninterested. @coffeelink
If you're in a pinch and need your fix but can't make any coffee. You can roll coffee grinds into a napkin' and place it inside your cheeks and absorb it through the gums and suck the juices. It's called a ranger-dip and I use it alot when I'm hiking or hunting in the early morning.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Veru @verucassault
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Veru @verucassault
French press coffee should be steeped for 4 to 6 minutes tops. The longer the grounds have contact with water, even after plunging them down, the more bitter the coffee becomes. ***Strength of coffee has little to do with time, and everything to do with concentration of coffee to water, the bean, and how it's roasted.***
Even if you have multiple pours of coffee in the carafe, it should be poured out into a larger container, like a thermos or heat resistant pitcher. I had 2 hour old coffee last weekend and I wanted to scrape my tongue after the first sip. Never let coffee sit in a French press.

[__________] @code_016
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
[__________] @code_016
I know the feeling of wanting to scrape the tongue god it’s horribe

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Damn, how did my coffee get so cold so fast?

secretagentboi @secretagentboi
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
secretagentboi @secretagentboi
I made your coffee cold

Veru @verucassault
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Veru @verucassault
I bet this bish killed at 4H competitions.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Personally I drink my coffee black. So this flavoring stuff is over my head. Also it feels if the main point was to talk about the base flavor of this "rare" bean, then making all these cream and sugar additions doesn't help.
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