shy guys ^_^

Yu @metaljester
shy guys ^_^
Yu @metaljester
Ignore the mario reference but anywho anybody on here that needs help overcoming shyness for that special person please post I will be glad to help you

Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
commented on
shy guys ^_^
Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
Despite my info page, when meeting people or in social setting with people I'm unfamiliar with, I tend to be a bit hesitant about flirting, making advances, and initiating contact beyond a casual "Hi There !". My internal perspective is to not be seen or taken as committing an unwanted sexual advance, which leaves me usually alone.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
shy guys ^_^
Yu @metaljester
You should try and relax think of it this way if your online trying to know somebody then being face to face is not a problem and try to find common ground with that person and start a chat about it Always remember that you do not have to make the first move in a relationship if you just sit there and talk to them and they like you

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
shy guys ^_^
Kyetge! @kyetge
You should try to be funny. I used to be really shy because I changed to a new school for ninth grade that was public, well established, and attended by over 3000 kids.
Nobody spoke to me for a whole semester. :(
But I realized that I needed to grow some balls and be funny. :)
Now I take one for the team all the time, and I am accommodating for the sake of the other person in a conversation so they don't go through anything similar to what I had to go through.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
shy guys ^_^
Yu @metaljester
I agrre with you being funny can help however humor can be fustrating if they dont like your jokes or dont know what your talking about it can be very awkward since peoples sense of humor differs you should know the persons likes and then make jokes within that persons interest

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
commented on
shy guys ^_^
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
I agree humor is a great way to break the ice, but you also want the person you talking to take you seriously. What helps me is knowing the other person is just as nervous as me...and if there not I can feed of there energy. ^_^

Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
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shy guys ^_^
Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
Humor for me can be challenging, especially with the way my brain works. I remember everything and memories are optimized by discarding all references to time.
My first days of kindergarten are in my head as clearly as what happened last week. Add to that being an extreme techie spanning a huge number of fields, an interest in obscure Japanese and British Television, and most people miss what few jokes I come up with.
It doesn't help when I run across people with "a brain the size of a planet"

Novuh @corbyii
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shy guys ^_^
Novuh @corbyii
Ffff- I can't even explain my own shyness. It's just there.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
shy guys ^_^
Yu @metaljester
True some just have it but everybody is shy for some reason

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
commented on
shy guys ^_^
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
Anyone know if anyone else on this site as even attempted a hook up? Or has it all been friendly chatter?
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