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One Punch Gainz

May 01, 20 at 7:18pm
@dyadka Can we talk in Pms. Im a 16 year old male who just wants to get fit
@Rorikku-kun [M.o.B] You're going to call me crazy, but 80s aerobics workouts do wonders for agility and endurance. If you imitate them you will see that your agility will increase, along with doing strength workouts for the core and legs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIfAkOBMf5A
I thought the name of the thread was “One Punch Gantz”
Hey, Agility will help in combat.
May 01, 20 at 7:30pm
Whenever I go outside I typically go on really long walks, which has made me quite fit in that aspect. Only recently I've started exercising at home with weights and stuff like that, I don't really know a lot about exercises, but I've been researching them quite a bit making sure that I'm actually doing them right, honestly super fun, boosts my confidence and makes more fit.
So, I am gaining something, speed and the ability to dodge faster.
I'm literally getting close to being under 200 pounds lol. It's a milestone for me since I used to be close to 300
Neat, I wanna finish my mastering for kick boxing.
May 01, 20 at 7:40pm
Watch Bloodsport, Van damme will teach you how
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