One Punch Gainz

ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
One Punch Gainz
ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
All right Otakus listen up! Its time we got down to what really matters in life! That's right! GAINZ!
If You've been meaning to use your gym subscription, if you have a pair of dumbbells gathering cobwebs in the corner or have just not found the proper system to motivate yourself into becoming the bulging god you were no doubt destined to become THEN DO I HAVE THE THREAD FOR YOU!!!
Set yourself a goal! And post your progress here. Show off that bod! That progress! Let the support of your fellow Otakus following your progress propel you into the future!
If you are like me you may struggle to keep your workout regimes in tact as its difficult to see immediate results. And lets face it, as anime lovers we may be into certain 'instant gratification' habits.
Perhaps you'd just like to share your gains with a supportive community.
(I'll be posting here every Monday to show the results of a simple base line 20 push ups - 20 sit ups - 20 squats regime. As a bit of an experiment, I also just want a place where I can validate my commitment to exercise)
There is no time like the present and even if its a small goal its no doubt worth achieving! Whether its doubling your reps or simply reducing your consumption of entire coke bottles, big or small please inspire each other to achieve the most important thing in life*:
*Disclaimer: The mot important thing in life is completely up for debate and there are obviously many things in life that are just as worthy of dedication as body improvement. This includes but is not limited to art, academia, social skills or anything you deem important in your own life.
(seeya monday!)

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
One Punch Gainz
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Very motivational thread. I used to want the six pack and junk and i noticed my tummy area was gaining a little fluff so i set a goal to crank out 100 sit ups every other day and it cut back on the tummy stuff a bit and now its a little flatter. It just takes motivation nd the right goal. Tho i hace been slacking on getting those abs im half way there but its not HD 4k tv clear. Sort of like LED stabdard tv clear. But im gonna fight on >:3

Rel @relim
commented on
One Punch Gainz
Rel @relim
3rd gif was already enough to motivate me

vileangel @vileangel
commented on
One Punch Gainz
vileangel @vileangel
currently eating a whole bag of doritos in bed but i'll get there eventually

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
One Punch Gainz
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
@relim that spaghetti strap is holding on for dear life THATS HOW YOU SHOULD TREAT UR WORK OUTS like its life or death you gotta hold on

Rel @relim
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One Punch Gainz
Rel @relim
I got told that I shouldn't work out cuz I will lose my precious thicc thighs and big butt

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
One Punch Gainz
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
@relim nonsense <.< i have big butt that wont go away even though i work out and idk if its genetics or what. But it motivates me not to do crimes c: jail wont be fun

Rel @relim
commented on
One Punch Gainz
Rel @relim
You have a point

Plátano @platanoo
commented on
One Punch Gainz
Plátano @platanoo
Lol I wonder who told you that

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
One Punch Gainz
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
I have a feeling that I will need to turn on notifications for this forum on my progress. First step make that game plan!!!!
I plan on relying on my cardiovascular strength to get my weight back down again to 280 or 275 at least!
Afterwards I will need to do...
Appropiate Stretches to warm up
100 jumping jacks
100 push ups (airforce style or regular)
100 situps
Followed by an hour long run every free day I have!!!
I will return in a week!!!
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