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about Preferences...?

Maybe he likes the idea of security. that her being so clingy means she'll never leave. I don't see you ending up with someone needy though xD
Jun 16, 19 at 9:26pm
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Me? That's a bit of a hard question actually. I value honesty so I hate being lied to and feeling manipulated. So someone who is unapologetically themselves interests me. I like people with a backbone who aren't afraid to say something that might bother or even hurt someone if they feel it needs to be said. It's difficult tbh because I'm usually much more interested in learning about who someone is whether they are one way or the other. Then deciding if I like them. I could list you off a bunch of things I know that I don't like but that seems really negative xD I guess I'm still learning my preferences. What about yourself?
Jun 16, 19 at 10:11pm
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For appearance i would say, short girls are what i kinda like, but not too short! maybe long straight hair too! for personality idk.. i find almost anyhting cute! but i guess i just take anything for granted >_>... but i do like what i like though, so maybe i do have a preference for personality but that doesnt change if i can fall for someone or not
Jun 16, 19 at 10:23pm
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ohh this is easy... insert myself in a woman's body... done! Oh hey tetris!!!
Jun 16, 19 at 10:53pm
I'd say I'm still learning mine as well. I could list a bunch of things I don't like but that's not how things should be.
For me I learned pretty early on that I prefer people who are honest and direct when it comes to communication. Playing mind games like telling me to drop a subject or leave them alone when they really DO want to talk about it. Is a quick way for me to just be like "welp guess they don't want to talk about it" and never bring it up again because I'm not good with "hints" and would rather people say what they mean and mean what they do. I'm honestly quick to drop people who do that type of stuff early on because I don't like uncertainty and not knowing what the other person expects out of the relationship Honestly stuff like that has been exactly why I've been a bit turned off from dating in general for a while. I don't have time to play around with people and invest my time and effort into a relationship if they're going to be all half-assed about it and expect me to just "figure things out" without ever voicing their needs or concerns because yeah no, I won't bother figuring things out and will just leave your ass lmao Though aside from the negative stuff I'd also say that I prefer girls who I can just have deep discussions with, exchanging ideas, discussing various concepts, philosophy and just the world in general. I can do small talk and stuff but ehh, I couldn't imagine having a relationship with someone with whom I just have one thing in common and our daily conversations are just centered around that and nothing else aside from small talk like talking about how our days were or something Having a hobby is always cool also, I've honestly mainly dated artsy girls who did writing as a hobby and/or were aspiring artists. I've always admired creativity so that's a big plus for me. In terms of appearance...I don't have a hard preference on height and honestly personality weighs in a bit heavier when it comes to deciding if I like someone or not. But looks are important of course though
Jun 16, 19 at 11:27pm
The perfect person doesn't exist :D.My preferences? I dare say I like to befriend smart,eloquent,curious people who respect/understand boundaries+privacy, show passion and compassion for this world/creatures..Most important of all, they can be low-maintenance because I cannot always accompany them!*cries. In terms of relationships, I take more factors into consideration, for example sense of responsibility;loyalty;sexuality;future plans~<I cannot marry them quickly because I have my plans> Looks don't really matter a lot, we all look ordinary :D.BTW, I am judged because of my extraordinary height/bones, so I know the feelings~ Interestingly enough, it was compassion rather than intelligence/curiosity that affected my choice in my current case.I'm best at geography however that person knows little about geography XD, I'm totally fine with that~I know little about LOL and chemistry as well~ Tbh I'm slightly disappointed because that person isn't interested in China~I'm into sinology~But I have come across lots of people who are "interested in " China but they are shitty~ Age! I'm fine with befriending people of all ages but in terms of relationships, I prefer people who are around my age....
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