What are you afraid of?

Machie Doppleman @doppleman
What are you afraid of?
Machie Doppleman @doppleman
"What can you see?
A city engulfed in fear?
Betrayed by those you trust the most?
Your darkest secrets revealed?"
Fear is one of the most basic emotion. Everyone is afraid of something no mather how good you are at hiding it.
So why not just embrace it?
Just for a moment, let the terror overwhelm you and share with us what's in your mind.

CAC @cac
commented on
What are you afraid of?
CAC @cac
Being forever alone.

Baka @reinhardt76
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What are you afraid of?
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.

Machie Doppleman @doppleman
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What are you afraid of?
Machie Doppleman @doppleman
this would be a rational fear of the irrational, right!

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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What are you afraid of?
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Watching those I care about Die again.
Losing control of my temper in a bad moment.
And twisters. Living in Tornado Alley isn't the best of places XD.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
What are you afraid of?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Now now, not all SJWs are insufferable. Some of us could actually break down our logic, and explain it while listening to your complaints without getting triggered.
As for my fears though. Most metaphysical threats don't really scare me, since well... That's just kinda the world I live in.
And my experience playing HVZ has taught me to keep a calm state of mind, even when in panic.
That said, while I don't panic easily, I do have things that scare me. For example, (And I don't mean to make anyone angry, but this is kinda an objective fact.) We have a malignant narcissist as our president, who has authoritarian tendencies, smears the credibility and freedom of the press, tries to lock up his political opponents, obstructs investigations on him, openly entertains the idea of nationalism, and blows up over twitter arguments at the helm of the free world. And of course, like the boy who cried wolf, a lot of the SJWs who actually are in the insufferable camp have called everyone fascist so often that the word has lost its meaning. Whether this is better than the Hildabeast, and her "NWO", I can't say yet. I can say though, that this has some parallels with where the bush presidency was heading. Cept without the political correctness. But hey, he still has two years left, and I hope I am wrong. But it does have me nervous. And who ever said that fear was rational?

Machie Doppleman @doppleman
commented on
What are you afraid of?
Machie Doppleman @doppleman
Chocopyro, that's perfectly reasonable to be afraid of the man in control of the most powerful country in the world. I won't say more because I don't want this thread to go into politics.
As for SJWs, I have this to say. Social justice is a good thing in my opinion. SJWs is more of a category of people who uses social justice for their own interest, which can get scary sometimes.
Leo, is it too personal to ask why "Die again"? Someone coming back to life and dying again?

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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What are you afraid of?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Yeah, I was worried about being too political with that one. I don't want it to go that way either.

Machie Doppleman @doppleman
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What are you afraid of?
Machie Doppleman @doppleman
My turn!
I fear medical instruments going inside my body. Needles, scalpels, suture or any medical procedure where I have no control.
I mean, this stuff is insanely dangerous! Needles, they just go through your flesh with absolutely no pressure, wth! Scalpels are pretty much knives, sharper than sharper. they go through your skin like it's warm butter.
It may even be a phobia for me. But I haven’t had a serious medical procedure since I was a child, so I’m not sure how I would react today.
I needed suture on the back of my head. When I got in the room, I panicked and ran away from the doctor. My father grabbed me and the doctor reasoned me.
I was crying silently during the procedure even though I didn’t feel anything and I was shaking a while after.
Also, as far as I can remember, I always felt very bad, scared and shaking after school vaccinations. I even passed out once.
Tomophobia? Maybe!

Guida (Sal) @salganha
commented on
What are you afraid of?
Guida (Sal) @salganha
I fear heights as like
My legs start feeling weak when their is a chance to fall from somewhere or it looks like I can fall
Even tho I can use an elevator, it's something that makes me uncomfortable and I scream and panic if someone makes it shake a bit
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