Open for appointments!

Herr Doktor @herr_doktor
Open for appointments!
Herr Doktor @herr_doktor
Greetings there noble sir, dirty townfolk or lowl serf!
It is I Herr Doktor, but you can just call me by my profession, so just say Mr. Doctor.
So now that the formalities are out of the way let me explain to you what I do.
You see I am a medical professional who is skilled in quite alot of medical arts and traits.
I am the curer of ALL THE AILS.
You got a headache? Throw leeches on it!
You got a cold? Leeches will fix it!
You need a bone replaced? Just fill that gap with leeches!
Leeches are a true WUNDERMITTEL to all your problems! If you do not like leeches then of course I will offer you other medical treatments!
I will be able to help you with almost anything regardless of your social status... I just need the right amount of coin!
With the best of regards!
Herr Doktor

Machie Doppleman @doppleman
commented on
Open for appointments!
Machie Doppleman @doppleman
Hi MR. Doktor.
Have you heard of the miraculous elevator that grant your deepest wish?

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Open for appointments!
Lishifu @hakutaku
One punch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CAC @cac
commented on
Open for appointments!
CAC @cac
@doppleman no....just no...

Herr Doktor @herr_doktor
commented on
Open for appointments!
Herr Doktor @herr_doktor
Greetings there Doppleman,
In fact I have not heared of said creation but I have to admit that it looks quite... inviting and that it grants your deepest wish sounds quite.. intriguing. BUT it also sounds heresy to me! The only machine to ever grant you your deepest wiches is the Wishgranter located in the heart of the exclusionzone!
Still I would like you to elaborate on it´s function!
With the best of regards,

Baka @reinhardt76
commented on
Open for appointments!
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.

[__________] @code_016
commented on
Open for appointments!
[__________] @code_016
^You should have Recovery Girl take at look at it, Muggleborn. She has healed my broken hands, arms, and legs many times in almost an instant! With you type of injury, it should be no problem at all

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
Open for appointments!
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Can recovery girl fix my life? I think it might be broken

[__________] @code_016
commented on
Open for appointments!
[__________] @code_016
Recovery Girl is a nurse, not a psychiatrist.

Amelanchier @amelanchier
commented on
Open for appointments!
Amelanchier @amelanchier
Saw me in half I beg you.
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