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Thoughts about 911?

Sep 11, 19 at 6:33pm
then blame was for bringing countries into this ill never let a fuckin german talk shit about what america does without reminding them about their own shitty past threads are allowed to have discussions
Honestly, there's no event that was worse or more important than the other. Every bad event in our lives are all just as bad whether it's from a historical standpoint or happening right now. And I think treating something screwed up that has happened in history as less to nothing is very ignorant as well as insensitive to those who have and still take it as a personal attack. Especially if you haven't experienced it, you've got no argument if all you're doing is making an observation. The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima was screwed up and arguably one of the worst humane mistakes that was ever done to the people in Japan. The people's skins melted from the horrible radiation, and a bunch of gruesome stuff that happened in the aftershock and that should never be repeated ever again. The Holocaust was screwed up because crap tons of Jews were slaughtered due to hatred and racism and the same could be said about slavery, segregation, or bigotry. Or how about how the Native Americans got screwed over. You can look back on history and acknowledge the crap that was wrong and learn from them, respect the dead and the countless people who did in fact suffer.
Sep 11, 19 at 6:34pm
was, america isnt special in doing bad things to become a super power you have to do fucked up things and cut major corners thats life get over it (america is and will always be stronger than germany so i wouldnt compare country strengths ma boi)
Sep 11, 19 at 6:58pm
For those that were alive and can remember what happened, it’s our generations version of the assassination of JFK. You’ll always remember. My father worked across the Hudson from the towers and he saw the 2nd plane hit from his office. Never seen that man scared of anything, aside from that evening.
I love when threads like this blow up cuz it let's me sit back and see who all the ignorant idiots are. I'd actually like to see everyone that harbors the feelings of "They got what they deserved" or anyone that makes a joke out of a tragedy that resulted in the death of countless innocent fathers, mothers, daughters, and brothers to go ahead and post that meme or make that incredibly funny joke. And I'm not just referring to 9/11. Any tragedy. Anywhere in the world. Speak up.
Yeah I remember 9/11. I was 5 years old in Kindergarten, and I noticed all the other children getting picked up by their parents early one by one. Eventually my brother and I got picked up by our mom. We did not know what was happening, but we saw our mother was panicking and trying to get us home fast. Apparently my father had to drive to the next town to pick up my sister from a special Deaf school she attended (This scumbag actually complained about getting her that day T.T). Once we got back my mom turned on the TV while my brother and I watched this tower we never saw before start crumbling away underneath it's own weight while being consumed by the fire. When the tower fell finally I still remember my mom screaming, "OH MY GOD! NOOO! NOT THE TOWERS! NO!", and myself being confused and somehow scared myself. I did not fully comprehend how messed up that imagery was until I grew to be 8 years old on the 3rd anniversary of 9/11. It really was a sad day in history, and yes before anyone starts in there has been other tragedies before too. We are human after all. I do not believe any of the conspiracies of anything historically tragic like this, because I practice critical thinking skills of asking for citations or credibility (any kind of proof). That's it for my rambling but never forget what happened this day in history. So many innocent lives lost
Sep 11, 19 at 7:08pm
i was probably half awake and i kinda remember it. a day i def remember is when someone in high school killed them self.
Some people cope with loss through humor. It doesn't mean their evil, they just proccess thing differently.
I understand that. We learned that in our Cultural Anthropology class, Archaeology, and Human Philosophy classes. Humans make light and humor of a tragic event to lighten the mental load of it. It's natural. I just said conspiracies are stupid. Lmao
Wow I just went a few pages back and holy shit guys. I have lost more faith in humanity now. xD Bickering between countries ain't gonna fix the mistakes of those who came before. So how about we all get our shit together when we are young, believe only what we see not what we hear, and work together to help all of humanity and not just one Country/State. Everyone deserves self liberty. I get the "America is a self entitled bully" bit, but seriously just be the more mature person about it. Don't laugh at any tragic event in any country at any point of history. This is why humanity is held back by itself.
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