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Thoughts about 911?

Let me give you a scenario to think about it Think about a school bully. He punches every nerd and weeabo all day. Someday the victims do the payback. The bully got hurt. The teacher says its the victims fault and the bullies action was never mentioned. But deep down everyone is glad that the bully got hurted
Was I don't think the people in twin towers ran the US army
@barky oh cool wonder where slavery started cuz it wasnt in america. It just found its way over here and we are still dealing with the effects. America hasnt been around longer than you guys we are a new nation practically. And we are learning from mistakes. School shooters may be our recent issues but what about those goddamn Russian hackers that ruin lives daily. Are they innocent too? Nah right? And germany cant be blamed for just tagging along to a polish man's ideals years after their regime has been wiped. New generation, idk what lamby is talking about and i didnt read but nuking counties isnt what we are here for its bringing everyone together
Sep 11, 19 at 6:16pm
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America isnt really a bully the media is feeding you lies, i can tell you what are troops are doing right this moment and thats fighting terrorists. Aiding humanitarian missions for poor countries affected by war between evil forces there. Saving people thats what we do if Innocent lives are lost in the process we take responsibility for it. America isnt bullying anyone, we were attacked in order to show dominance over a powerful country and it failed and lead to those guys getting a bullet to the head
Germany is NOWDAYS (i dont know how to write it more clearly) a multi culti country. We love the polish people and they do love us. They dont care about the war neither. Maybe because every polish family moves here. We have alot of russians and they loving germany as they do russia. We have americans saying that was the best life choice to move here and we have immigrant who learning german and friend up peacefully with the germans. Russian hackers? Dont make me laugh. You guys are provocating. Why russia treating us good, why china treats us good, why america listen to us, why we the east aint saying germany is the enemy? We were the bad nazis and now we give our best to deny all upcoming bad events that will happen.
Not going to get into the argument but I just thought I should say that judging any group on past mistakes is kinda pointless. Sure, the nazis did horrible things, that doesn't mean Germany is still that way. America has it's own dark history, but it does mean we can't get better. Basically I'm just tired of both sides using blanket statements to try and make an easy argument. I'm off now, please if you're gonna debate, don't say things out of anger, formulate a good counter. Peace.
Panda dont joke arround I also was in the army. Do you know the banana war? THE EVIL FORCES MAN XD. They do more inside jobs than I am allowed to say online xd
Sep 11, 19 at 6:21pm
Let's all agree that nations aside, it was a tragedy that took thousands of lives of our fellow brothers and sisters. Y'all are concerned on the country or "It doesn't affect me.", but no one is looking at it from the simple stand point of it being mass murder of your fellow man. You can have your opinions, just know ANYONE who makes a joke out of murder (No matter who it happened to or where.) is a fool, plain and simple. There's dark humor and then there's just plain idiocy.
Ooooooooh conspiracy nice one, so when they attack innocent citizens or use weapons on their own people its an inside job? Cool i learn something new everyday
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