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Thoughts about 911?

Sep 11, 19 at 5:43pm
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Lamby I guess you just look at our bad times. History means not only WW2 (we had ww1 too jk jk xD) America killed the true americans long time ago and it was much much worse. They took everything what they got followed with madness cruelity against black humans. Germanies greatest time was not when we was nazi Lamby. It was when we man up after WW2 and be the phoenix out of ashes. Look at us now. No racism, we all love eachtother. We dont do war except the nato forces us to join and everyone respects and loves us :D If we look to america today what can you say? Donald Trump pisses China More racism More weapons Try to get money from every poor fuck if they dont do the americans plan. . . .
Sep 11, 19 at 5:52pm
we did that hundreds of years ago, you guys holocausted 6 million jews only 86 years ago your freedom of speech laws make no sense america is THE most powerful country in the world and guess what? you get there through a lot of bad things, just like how germany was at its strongest during ww2 is america fucked up? absolu-fucking-lutely but that doesnt mean you, from a country that caused whats commonly considered the worst atrocity in all of history (which really isnt true, its just considered that) is telling an america wer bad just be glad merica saved those nukes for japan
To everyone saying they dont care about 9/11 you dont have to you fucking retard. But dont talk down on the dead. The way i see it is you are a pussy, what actual thing have you accomplished? At least the goddamn fucking terrorist did something meanwhile you havent done shit but talk crap about a bunch of dead people. Those dudes got what they deserved. We can honor our dead if we want. but if you dont care then dont talk about it. As far as you are concerned it doesnt exist right? I get it its all memes and jokes until someone crashes a goddamn plane on your entire family. Then you will cry and bitch about it and do nothing. Our country went to war for ours, what can you say? Meanwhile america has done the most for all you other ungrateful countries, yeah we arent perfect but we also havent been around as long as yours and look at us. We are the most powerful country around. Not many can clash with us.
Why are you arguing about what Germany has done??? You know how irrelevant that is? Barkys very obvious FACTUAL point is, there are many fucked up scenarios and 9/11 Is the one everyone's getting pissy about
Sep 11, 19 at 6:05pm
Okay guys, this is why I said to ignore anyone trying to trigger. Now you've triggered each other and have derailed the point of this thread. We don't need a pissing contest on who did what or who suffered what. Make another thread if you want that.
Well at least we dont hunt black people on the streets by the protector of law innit? Germany is nowdays the best country to live. At least we learned from our past and dont continue and thats whats for real important. What we did is 86 years old and you guys killed everyone who were bad so I dont see why the new generation still should feel bad about it. We are completly different. And why are saying we should be glad that our country didnt nuke us. Are you guys proud to have these weapons? Should we feel save about your 70.000 nukes? Lamby what I say do makes sense. America was always was fucked up. 100 years ago till now. And I dont see one argument from you against it except you tellin me we could be get nuked when I dont shut up xd Germany was always fucked up I do no doubt it. But nowdays the facts saying we are alot of mature. Atleast our goverment. No Nazis and trying to solve everything without any violence. Aint that good? The only difference is that we learned that war is not the solution instead the problem.
My thoughts? Idk what I'm meant to think it's just another tragedy that makes me scared to exist on this planet
Sep 11, 19 at 6:08pm
wtf are you even talking about datboi was said we had it coming..... i think its funny that a german is saying my country deserved what it got
I should have said not just Germany, US too. Basically I'm saying neither of that is relevant I just react to what I most previously dead (small brain syndrome)
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