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koude @koude commented on Loneliness
Jun 04, 18 at 6:19am
Not really. I Really appreciate Solitude. Of course, I am human so there are times where im like yea this wouldve been so much more fun if I was with a huge group of friends but its all eh I'm at that point where idc if its just me I was that well-known kid in high school where everyone just happened to know who i was and had a good wide group of friends and acquaintances, so its a nice change of pace to have time to myself
Jun 04, 18 at 3:03pm
Thanks for all the replies, guys T_T
Jun 04, 18 at 3:26pm
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Jun 04, 18 at 5:03pm
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Jun 04, 18 at 5:23pm
Mehh, I used to feel loneliness. After a while that turned into anger, and now it’s not so much that I’m numb to it, I just don’t care much for other people. Cats are cooler. So are doggos.
CAC @cac commented on Loneliness
Jun 04, 18 at 5:49pm
cats are deff cool >_>
Jun 04, 18 at 5:59pm
Begone dog! https://i.imgur.com/UJLUHOI.gif
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Jun 04, 18 at 6:06pm
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CAC @cac commented on Loneliness
Jun 04, 18 at 6:52pm
the catto will make it better.
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