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Jun 03, 18 at 9:49pm
Lonely? Solitude has been part of my life since I was a toddler.However,I did feel uncomfortable on social occassions.
Jun 03, 18 at 9:59pm
I do feel lonely sometimes, especially late at night and all my friends are asleep. I'm talking like, 1-5AM.
Jun 03, 18 at 9:59pm
Jun 03, 18 at 10:07pm
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-happiness-project/201702/7-types-loneliness-and-why-it-matters https://www.huffingtonpost.com/ross-a-rosenberg/loneliness_b_4648417.html
Jun 03, 18 at 10:09pm
I don't really feel lonely, but more like empty.
Jun 03, 18 at 10:21pm
Not often. Like I know what it feels like, and have felt it plenty of times, but I actually relish in solitude. Loneliness only seeps in when I'm not focused on CREATING ENTIRE WORLDS! (And other works of fiction.)
. @richaadokun commented on Loneliness
Jun 03, 18 at 10:46pm
Every second I can't keep myself occupied I feel extremely lonely, sometimes it feels unbearable. All I can do is try to expand my mind and do new things.
Jun 04, 18 at 5:20am
Yea... I feel it every day. I have a few friends, but more often than not, there are just days when I'm completely alone and it feels like no one really cares. And with my depression, it's like a double smack in the face.
Jun 04, 18 at 6:13am
I feel it most of the time and have not friends not help but I try to focus on something new or hard to do . That help me my day a day and also I learn new things.
Jun 04, 18 at 6:15am
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