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Waifus,Anime, and ratings

So how do you rate what’s your waifu (out of 10 or out of 5 or memes)??? Are you a committed to a waifu or are you a seasonal waifu watcher?
Jun 03, 18 at 2:48pm
I don't have one anymore, used to be Rei I guess but you get over that phase.
Jun 03, 18 at 5:18pm
i order my waifus numerically based on my love for them Super Sonico is number one https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e6/48/c0/e648c0b3c3da8180b3756fae9d1415e1--super-sonico-anime-profile-pics.jpg Eriri-sensei https://images3.alphacoders.com/679/679154.jpg and Sena (manga version) https://pre00.deviantart.net/6cf7/th/pre/f/2013/242/e/4/kashiwazaki_sena_by_houssamlakios-d5swxgg.png
Jun 03, 18 at 6:59pm
I don't really rate them but I know they are there in my heart. Akari from 3-gatsu no lion https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/images/characters/9/316046.jpg Hinami from Tokyo Ghoul https://pa1.narvii.com/6076/b31e01650f9e44088fb94fea8153ce517bc36f1e_hq.gif Mako from ballroom e youkoso https://data.whicdn.com/images/297324244/original.gif Naoto, Blake Belladonna, Wendy Corduroy, Kuroneko.
Jun 09, 18 at 7:09pm
I don't understand the first half of the question, but as for that second half yes I'm the more committed type. I wouldn't say the anime she's from is all that great but I'd give it a perfect 5/7.
https://media.giphy.com/media/Ip1jn7jjIiBP2/giphy.gif Miyamori Aoi
Jun 10, 18 at 12:08am
lyne lolicon confirmed!? tohru is major waifu too https://78.media.tumblr.com/d8634198ee6d28d784bad8a56957aa8d/tumblr_olgcm7gX3K1skbmyho1_r1_500.gif
Jun 10, 18 at 12:09am
also lyne, you seen hinami in Re yet? she...uh.... filled out >W> https://pre00.deviantart.net/4e06/th/pre/i/2016/047/c/6/_redraw__h_i_n_a_m_i_by_kuroikazuto-d9rzrvo.jpg
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