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Add onto this story, I'm too lazy to make more.

When all hope was lost and Felrein fell silent from the pain of his wounds an unlikely scenario presented itself. A masked stranger moved silently beside the cookie monster. The demon wasn't even the slightest bit aware of their presence as if this person were an apparition. Maybe a delusion of Felrein's failing mind. Pitch black shadows enveloped the already dim room. They entangled themselves around the monster's own shadow created by the flames of the wood burning stove. "Ah, what's happening? Why can't I move from this spot?" questioned the gingerbread demon. Not saying a word the masked figure stepped in front of the creature before kneeling down to eye level. With a subtle movement of the masked person's hand they lowered it partially to reveal their face. From Felrein's position he couldn't catch a glimpse, but whatever the demented cookie saw was enough to make it wail a ghastly howl followed by a loud chomp! Chewing noises were the last sound made just as Felrein went unconscious.
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