Why do people do school shootings?

bonelessoniichan @bonelessoniichan
Why do people do school shootings?
bonelessoniichan @bonelessoniichan
See... I don't get it, everyone's shooting up schools nowadays, like legit - what the hell my bois? Gun laws aren't the problems, generally gun collectors don't do the shootings, only the people who have access to guns through family members or whatever. "We should change gun laws." Yeah there could be some fixing, but it doesn't make the person any different.
"They bullied me." Compare my life with weak shit like that and I still haven't hurt anyone.
I think they're just mentally unstable, people nowadays have become so weak - so unbearably autistic when it comes to the real world. Bitches need discipline, we've kinda lost way with parenting nowadays. You don't force shit on your kids, but you don't not force shit on your kids. You don't build their path for them, but you create a guide while beating a good mentality into their brain.
I don't blame this solely on parenting, but the retardation people are born with. Everyone's born partially retarded in one way or another. My problem is I don't exactly have any emotions other than happiness or self-anger. There's those retards that cut, there's retards that think "Oh no my mom's dead, time to kms."
Shit like this annoys me, I'd rather a police man in a building with a gun than without one. Yeah the police man might go on a killing spree, but that's less of a chance than a child going on a killing spree.
We're also fucked by society itself... Everyone is so fucking retarded. We have too much freedom, but we're also in a corrupt ass government. Why can't we be like Canadians or Australians? Dafuq is wrong with us other than we try to find another way to separate eachother constantly, you got those "I'm a gemini" people that actually believe that star shit is real, BOI you're fucking autistic, gtfo. Then you got radical feminists, you got the black lives matter terrorist group, you got the all lives matter protest retards against the terrorist group retards.
We focus too much on money and self-accomplishments, that we don't see the real fucking world. Bitches that are "All about the money" bother me more than anyone, them fuckers could actually be a decent person, I'm no where near a decent person, I'm prejudice equality I'll give EVERYONE shit, I HATE everyone. I agree, but the difference is atleast I'm joking, these thots jumping around from dick to dick that we're too focused on pleasure from any source too much nowadays.
Everyone gets shit handed to them too easily, get some discipline, create a better mental state - then maybe this country wouldn't be so fucked.

Fuminori @fuminori
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Why do people do school shootings?
Fuminori @fuminori

A @matchesia
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Why do people do school shootings?
A @matchesia
Thanks Obama.

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Why do people do school shootings?
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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bonelessoniichan @bonelessoniichan
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Why do people do school shootings?
bonelessoniichan @bonelessoniichan
"But they also come from within" matches what I'm saying about getting discipline n creating a better mental state. I know this place wasn't built from the top down, we're just so high up there now from where we started to the point where no one can do any of the two, n ik it's not the government, but they do add onto it, mostly it's just society and someone's mental state is what I'm saying.

Bitch please @tabris
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Why do people do school shootings?
Bitch please @tabris
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115 @siruboo
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Why do people do school shootings?
115 @siruboo
its the side effect of people being dumbed down and the world being tricked into the technology advancement instead of other things. they say wwwI, wwII, www. not really just the internet but robots and things we dont need.

weebian @weebian
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Why do people do school shootings?
weebian @weebian
Im giving a Canadian standpoint, so sorry if it offends someone, but I'm hoping my advice can clear a lot of misconceptions and give some advice on how it can be resolved.
-Talk about gun law-
In the US, it is easy to access a gun, it actually easier to obtain a gun than a cigarette, or alcohol.
Yes, gun aren't the main cause. But stricter gun laws would help. It not gonna affect you that much if you're following the law and using them for self protection on regular hunting. It a measure to ensure those with an unhealthy aggressive behaviour from obtaining a tool to preform their deeds.
Many people don't know but the law was made back when guns needed to be reloaded after a shot. That why many people are pushing to have it updated, as guns has advanced massively since the creation of the current law.
-mental illness-
From statistics, the current generations have the lowest self esteem on record. What needs to be done is an increase in mental programs to help people. It is near impossible to figure out if someone is suffering.
The current situation is people are focus on trying to learn, then go to higher education, get a job, start a family, etc. But they never did ask you how are you doing today.
In Canada, we do have mental health issues, but there resources out there to help us. It not perfect but it is being well maintained

115 @siruboo
commented on
Why do people do school shootings?
115 @siruboo
theres a reason theres mental illness. you dont catch it like a cold. its hard to be health and to have a home or decent home these days.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Why do people do school shootings?
Lamby @momoichi
mental illness usually, not always bullying but bullying helps
its usually kids who have played violent video games, have a type of delusional, and have been bullied to some extent
BUT these days the way the media makes such a spectacle of these people it is attractive to kids to do the same
to post their faced everywhere, talk about them so much, its ridiculous and its influential
also, ya know, guns
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